Friday, July 10, 2020

Imbeciles Running NYC

The chief imbecile being the mayor. The second imbecile is the DA. The mayor wants to take away $100 million dollars from the cops, which will completely incapacitate them when it comes to controlling crime, and get many cops killed. The DA wants FREE release of criminals, including violent ones WITHOUT bail, until trial. How this is supposed to reduce crime in that city is beyond my imagination. But then, I’m an intelligent individual. I think the criminals are running things in NYC. DiBlasio if a top criminal and the DA is next to him in his influence. That’s the only way I can explain their absolutely STUPID “Solutions” to their “crime problem.”

RACISM IN AMERICA: Yes, there are racists in America. But not nearly as many as the Dumbocrats would have you believe. They are using racism fears to advance their wish to move toward socialism—which, if we are not careful, will impose communism on us. Communism is a more fearful version of collectivism. The same system that enslaved Russia for 75 years, and caused the death of millions of its citizens. The Black Lives Matter fools even ADMIT they are “Marxist trained,” as if that were some kind of a “badge of honor.” It’s not, but they’re too stupid to realize that. Only the terminally stupid support collectivism in its many forms. We need to “nip it in the bud” before it becomes any stronger.

WHY IS SOCIALISM BAD? Because it is a system that depends on THEFT of goods and services EARNED by those capable and willing to earn their own way for the benefit of those who would rather live at the expense of others, rather than earn their own way. It is one form of collectivism, which STEALS the goods and services EARNED by the producer of new wealth and gives it, UNEARNED, to those who do NOT. There will always be those who don’t wish to create their own wealth, and would rather steal that earned by others—and that is the “market” to which the collectivist salespeople aim their sales pitch.

ABUSE OF POWER: Nancy Peelosi says, “Congress has the constitutional power of oversight on all offices, and we’re only exercising it to investigate President Trump. We are only exercising constitutional oversight.” No it is NOT. We aren’t even allowed to harass a possible murderer if we don’t have clear and convincing evidence he committed the crime. They have NO such evidence on the part of the president, which makes their so-called “investigations” harassment and an abuse of power. They have been “investigating” this president from the moment he beat them in the 2016 election, and have, after THREE YEARS of trying, found NOTHING they can use to “get” him. But they’re still “fishing.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Colin Kapernick says, “We reject your celebration of white supremacy.” Who’s this “we” of which you speak, dummy? Nobody of any importance supports your idiocy, fool… “Crazy Joe” Biden says he will “transform this nation if elected.” What he means is he will make it into a socialist state. We can’t let that happen… California’s governor, Governor Dumb, has banned singing during church services. How that affects the spread of the virus is minimal. But banning that while “embracing” Black Lives Matter” demonstrations is telling. It tells me he is a BLM PATRISAN, not just a stupid politician… Mayor Lightbrain in Chicago has decided to blame her “gun problem” on Covid 19 and “lax gun laws.” That’s funny, since “gun laws” are NOT “lax” in Chicago…

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