Friday, July 24, 2020

Gun Control Kills

In New Jersey, you must either be in the security profession or have a produce a “justifiable need” before you can get a “carry permit.” Which is actually pretty stupid because how often does a criminal give you warning before he hijacks yur car and kills you if you object? Is protecting your family a “justifiable need?” Apparently New Jersey cops don’t think so, even though such a “need” can be amply proved by circumstances. This case, in particular, where a man tried to defend against a carjacking and was murdered. This kind of thing is repeated, over and over, all over the country. But self-defense is STILL denied as a “justifiable need” by anti-gun politicians while people DIE because of it. What kind of FOOLS are these politicians?

BLACKS KILLING BLACKS: “Black Lives Matter!” But apparently not to other blacks. Statistics show that the biggest threat to the lives of all black men are other black men. Not the cops. They try and lay it on the cops and cite the very few instances of a cop (black or white) shooting and killing a black man as proof of their claims. Many of those cases are “righteous shootings. But the numbers don’t lie. Way more black men are killed by bullets fired by other black men than by any other group. And most of these black men on both sides are gang members or other kinds of criminals. You look at the victims of shootings, and most of them have guns of their own (illegally) and are shooting back.

BIDEN IS A SOCIALIST: Of that there is no doubt if you just look at the things he is proposing. Such things as paying the tuition for all students. Even those whose parents can easily afford the too high tuition costs. Then there is his wish to provide a minimum salary for every American, whether or not he or she works. Outside of the fat that ithis would ruin America because nobody would be working to produce what we need to live, there would soon be no money left to pay those “minimum salaries. His every plan is unworkable, but he doesn’t know that. He’s not smart enough.

ENDING THE FILIBUSTER: The filibuster is the only thing that keeps Dumbocrats from “rolling over us” on all issues in Congress. Which is why they want to do away with it. They want to pack, or abolish the Supreme Court for the same reasons. The Supreme Court stops them in their tracks often when they try to “steamroller us” on one point or another, so they’ve got to go. The cops often stop them from carrying out their illegal schemes and likewise, they want to abolish them, so they can commit their crimes against us with impunity.

IT’S ALL THEY HAVE: Michele Malkin, a conservative speaker went to Denver to deliver a conservative message. Liberals didn’t want that, so they sent their thugs out to beat her up and stop her from saying what they didn’t want to hear. Liberals just can’t answer the logical thinks conservatives say, so they do whatever it takes to keep them from saying it. They’ve done the same thing to other conservative speakers on many occasions, Ann Coulter being one of them. And if these people actually get a chance to speak, they call them Nazis or racists, or some other nasty name. Anything to avoid answering their charges while giving the impression they have won.

NANCY’S THE STORMTROOPER: Nancy Peelosi is calling President Trump’s use of federal agents to help liberal-run cities contain the rioters, “using stormtroopers.” But in actuality the only stormtroopers in use are hers. She calls Trump a “dictator,” but the only dictator here is Nancy, herself. She works to oppose President trump on each and every move he makes. She thinks of herself as the real president, and wishes he would just get out of the way so she could do her “dirty work.” But since she is at the forefront of the swamp, she will eventually have to go.

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