Friday, March 13, 2020

They're Really Frightened!

“Sniffer Joe” Biden is the last hope of the Dumocrats who hope to win back the presidency in 2020, and they don’t want anybody to investigate either his, or his son’s business dealings so now they’re threatening a “scorched Earth” policy against Trump’s progeny if we actually investigate Biden of his son. Never mind Biden actually went on TV and BRAGGED about withholding Congress-approved billions for Ukraine until a prosecutor investigating Biden’s son’s business practices in the Ukraine is fired, and gloatingly said, “SOB—He got fired! Never mind his son was named to the board of a Ukrainian oil company with a $50,000.00 MONTHLY salary, with NO EXPERIENCE anywhere in the oil industry.

IT’S ALL RACISM: Whenever somebody does anything to stop the Dumocrats from attaining their goals, they pull out the “racism card.” There is usually NO EVIDENCE of racism in it, but they don’t care. Racism is such a nebulous term, they think they can apply it to anything, and nobody will question them on it. The same applies to their accusations of sexism and many other “isms” that they apply to any opposition to their wishes. It’s all phony, but they insist it’s true and no amount of criticism makes a dent in them. I’ve been accused of racism so many times I lost count, because I tell the truth about everything, and that sometimes goes against black people.

IT’S ALL TRUMP’S FAULT: Look for Dumocrats to blame Trump for the Coronavirus.. They blame him for everything. The communist Chinese, whose lax hygiene policies are the real culprits are already blaming the United States for it, saying it was us that brought it to China. And can the Dumocrats be far behind with the Chinese government giving them such a lead? If a rat farts in the woods, it’s Trump’s fault. If a Dumocrat makes a mistake, it’s Trump’s fault because he’s “so scary” to them.

NANCY TRIES SABOTAGE: She tried to slip funding for baby murder into that recent bill before Congress to appropriate money to help control the Coronavirus. How LOW can you GO? First of all, for her to be in favor of killing defenseless babies still in the womb for the convenience of parents who don’t want to raise the result of unprotected sex is reprehensible. To favor that ought to get her a prison sentence, at the very least. But to try and include it in a bill to help finance the fight against that pandemic that is killing millions is totally unforgivable and she should be “put out to pasture” as soon as possible. Anything to stop her scheming and scamming that is killing many people.

CORONAVIRUS OVERKILL: The panic increases. Coronavirus does not kill people who are normally healthy and do not have previous illnesses that make them more vulnerable to the virus. There have been more people who have “survived” the virus than are new people contracting it. Yes, it’s spreading quickly, but if it were totally deadly, it would have killed a lot more people than it has. Indy Cars has suspended its races into April. NCAA has announced the elimination of “March Madness” while many other sports franchises and other events involving large audiences have followed suit. I’m 82, and have a previous breathing problems, but I must make trips to the pharmacist to get my medicine. Does that mean I will eventually die of the virus? Maybe. But that doesn’t mean I have to panic and become a hermit.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: My daughter Diane brought this to my attention. “Why is is we have to believe we shouldn’t judge ALL Muslims by he action of a few fools while we are advised to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few fools?” I’ll give you a few seconds to consider the irony there… I leave Muslims alone if they leave me alone, but I still watch them carefully. Not because of their religion, but because of Muslim tendency toward violence and trouble makingNews media giving Trump a hard time for holding rallies with the Coronavirus going on. They may have a point. Trump’s rallies involve about 20 or more times as many people as the Dumocrat rallies being held… Jesse Jackson came out of hiding to endorse “Crazy Bernie.” Which ought to be the Death knell” for Bernie’s campaign if praising Fidel Castro didn't do it…

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