Friday, March 20, 2020

"Emergency Powers"

The Pennsylvania governor is giving us a good example of Rahm Emanuel’s dictum: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” He is contemplating using his “emergency powers” to literally ban firearms for the law-abiding, while doing nothing to stop the lawless from getting and using their guns. By so doing, he is DISARMING the law-abiding, making it easier for the lawless to victimize the law-abiding with their ILLEGAL guns. Can anybody show me where, in the Constitution it says a governor can trump the Constitution by invoking “emergency powers?” I don’t think it does.

IS SHE NUTS OR WHAT? Nobody has heard much from that “washed-up hack,” Barbara Streisand lately, so she’s probably feeling a little lonely. Especially in the money department. So maybe she thinks making a stupid statement about something she knows nothing about will help her to get some notice and maybe some money. So she comes out and says she thinks “Adam Schiff would make a good president.” Shiff would be one of the WORST presidents EVER. But she’s not smart enough to know that.

GUN SHOW BACKGROUND CHECK: Like most of what anti-gun fools claim, you CANNOT buy a gun at a gun show without having to submit yourself for a background check. Like most anti-gun fool assurances, it’s a LIE. They know it’s a lie, but they continue to tell it, because it sounds good for their “cause.” Another lie is that, “You don’t need to have your own gun because the cops will protect you.” Nada. No they can’t. They know that’s a lie too, but they keep telling it. The cops are the first to tell you they can’t protect you because they can’t be everywhere at once, and the lawless are very good at victimizing people “out of sight” of the law. At least, the cops “in the trenches” will tell you that, but the police politicians won’t.

THE PEOPLE KNOW: Why is it that, whenever there is a panic like what we’re experiencing now with this Coronavirus scare, people go out and buy guns? It’s not that they want to go out and use those guns to victimize others. Law-abiding people don’t do that. It is the lawless who do. And they don’t bother to buy their guns legally and stand for background checks. The problem with ALL anti-gun laws is that they only apply to the law-abiding, and the law-abiding are NOT the problem. When there is a crisis, people know that the lawless are constantly looking for ways to victimize people, often using their illegally-obtained guns to do so, and want to “have parity” with them.

CORONAVIRUS PANIC: That’s what’s going to kill us. Not the virus. The panic we’re seeing all over the world at the small chance of us getting it and dying from it. People running around wearing those ubiquitous face masks unnecessarily while hospitals, doctors and paramedics plead for them because they really need them as they go about taking care of people who actually HAVE the disease. Several doctors who have been working hard to keep people alive have, themselves, died. We need especially to keep these people alive as they work in close proximity to the afflicted. But we need to do it in a wise way, and not listen to those putting out false information. Yes, take precautions. But don’t go to extremes. 85% of the people who have contracted the virus have recovered, If you’re elderly and have previous breathing problems, stay at home. But don’t “go off the deep end.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Tulsi Gabbard has dropped out of the Dumocrat presidential race. I didn’t even know she was still in it… “Crazy Bernie” Sanders is not dropping out. He’s waiting for Biden’s “big break” with reality so he can be in a position to take over… Every time I see “Crazy Bernie” Sanders he is shaking his index finger at us as if he knows more than we do. For me, it might as well be his middle finger because it means nothing to me… The San Jose, California mayor says, “Nobody needs a gun,” and orders gun stores to be closed, as “non-essential.” When any politician tells me I don’t need a gun--I need a gun… “Unnamed sources.” One member of the liberal media tells us some “unnamed White House staff member” referred to the virus as the “Kung Fu Virus.” When Kellyann Conway asked that they NAME that “unnamed source” they refused, and got shrill in their refusal. That tells me a lot about the liberal media…

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