Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stupid Politicians

Why do we keep electing such stupid people to office? Dumocrat Rep. Cedric Richmond says, “We can ban plastic straws, why can’t we ban guns?” How stupid! Plastic straws aren’t protected by a constitutional amendment, that’s why. Plastic straws are “fair game” for Dumocrat stupidity, while guns have their own constitutional amendment to protect them from Dumocrat stupidity. We need to start examining the people we elect more carefully for intelligence, BEFORE we elect them, to avoid electing such stupid people so they can screw things up in their stupidity.

STUDY PROVES IT: If there is one thing we know, it is that criminals don’t obey laws. And a recent study proves it, again. We needed a study to know that? With or without a study, it proves itself every day, as criminals go about victimizing people with their illegal guns. And, of course, somebody found it necessary to “do a study” to find out what we already know. I wish somebody would give me a lot of money to conduct a study to find out what we all know, anyway. I could use the money. What I want to know, is, how stupid do you have to be to NOT know that criminals don’t obey laws? That’s why they’re called criminals, isn’t it?

OBAMA’S A LIAR! No kidding. I don’t think any president has told as many lies as has this one. Not even Bill Clinton, and that’s saying something. His most famous lies are, “If you like your doctor, you can keep him.” Or, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” Or “Obamacare will reduce your health insurance cost by $2,500.00!” But the one represented here is all that crap he has been spouting about “The sea levels rising, putting all beachfront properties under water, very soon, if we don’t do something.” So now he has put almost $15 million into beach front property on Mrtha’s Vineyard, proving conclusively that he was LYING again when he spouted all that global warming/climate change crap.

MILLIONS OF VOTES!” There wasn’t any “Russian collusion” by then candidate Trump to “steal the election,” as proven by the Mueller Report, but there certainly WAS “election interference” by the Dumocrat Party, facilitated by Google. According to Hillary-supporting Professor, Dr. Robert Epstein, no Trump lover, he, Google influenced maybe as many as 16 million votes FOR Hillary in the 2016 election. The liberal media “fact-checked it to death” after he testified, and Google predictably denied it. Dumocrats say they “debunked” his report, but they didn’t. They just denied it, and their denial was not believable. Epstein is a Dumocrat. He is a Hillary supporter. But he is also an honest man, apparently. He revealed this in his testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee.

HEBRON JEW MASSACRE: When did Jews ever massacre Palestinians? Never, of course. When did Palestinians massacre Jews? In Hebron, in 1929, in an effort to “cleanse” it of Jews. Meanwhile, self-loving liberals condemn every effort Israel makes to defend itself from the incessant, daily attacks by Palestinians while ignoring the daily rocket attacks on innocent Israelis, in Israel. Liberals are well known for their hatred of Israel and of Jews in particular. It even has a name: Antisemitism. But that hatred is ignored by just about every liberal news media source—which includes just about all of them.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Madonna says, “Jesus would agree with women having abortions.” How stupid is this bimbo? From what I’ve seen of Jesus, he would not be for ANYTHING that caused needless deaths or sufferingJust watching anti-Trump crap coming from the mouth of a member of the “Black Caucus” in Congress. How the hell do they get away with such stuff? What would happen if somebody started a “White Caucus?” There’d be a riot… Biden doesn’t want to be president. I’m now convinced of it. He has announced that he will repeal Trump’s tax cuts “on day one” if he is elected president. He can’t be stupid enough to believe that will get him elected… AOC was invited to see a real concentration camp and refused. She wants to remain ignorant, I guess… The most recent woman who accused Trump of sexual impropriety won’t give a reason why she won’t press charges. I guess it’s because she knows she can’t prove them and just wants to sell her book…

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