Friday, April 19, 2019

Get Rich Selling Socialism

That’s what “Crazy Bernie” Sanders is doing, and A. F. Branco brought that home to me with his cartoon about Bernie writing a new book, “How to Get Rich Selling Socialism to Idiots.” And that’s what Bernie is doing: selling socialism to gullible Americans and getting rich by doing so. Liberals are mad at him for BEING rich. They want to penalize achievement, and Bernie “achieved” great wealth by selling socialism to the moochers out there who want to live at the expense of others. “Riding IN the wagon, as it were, while others pushed it.” Nothing is said about who PAYS for those who live at the expense of others.

BACKGROUND CHECKS DON’T WORK: Like most of the laws made by the anti-gun fools, background checks do nothing to stop, or even slow down “gun violence.” Why? Because people who intend to use their guns for ill usually don’t stand for background checks because they get their guns ILLEGALLY, which bypasses background checks. Background checks ONLY apply to this who get their guns LEGALLY, and those are NOT the people who create the problem with “gun crime,” for the most part. This is the problem with ALL their anti-gun laws. They only apply to the law-abiding, who, as a rule, are not the problem.

DISCREDITING THEMSELVES: Every time I hear a Dumocrat denigrating President Trump I want to say, “prove it.” They call him ignorant, lazy, self-occupied, and unfit to be president, among other insults. They say he’s a racist, but there is no evidence he IS a racist. They say he spends most of his time watching Fox News, again with no evidence. Fox News might be on the TV in the white House, but that doesn’t mean he is “slavishly watching” it. I have Fox on all the time too, but for the most part it is only “background noise” while I work, so I can know if anything important happens, immediately. So far, it is the only news source I trust. All the rest of them only give me “fake news.”

GREG CRAIG RAID: Did you see the armed, pre-dawn raid on Greg Craig’s house before he was indicted? I didn’t, either. And I was so looking forward to it, forgetting that they don’t treat Dumocrats the same way they treat conservatives, especially Trump associates. Those, they want to make look as bad as possible. They might have to indict a Dumocrat, but they aren’t going to “put him through the wringer” as the do conservatives or Trump associates, however peripheral. What is the difference? Greg is a Dumocrat, of course. So they will do the very least bad for him they can get away with.

DEMOCRATS AREN’T SOCIALISTS? That’s what they say. They rush to the microphones to tell us they are NOT socialists (except, of course, for “Crazy Bernie”). Then in the next breath they promote socialist “programs” such as “single payer health insurance,” “free tuition to college for all,” “a minimum ‘salary’ for all Americans (and some illegal aliens) whether they work, or not,” “government supported jobs for all” who want them, AOC’s “Green New Deal,” and many other socialist “programs.” All these “programs” appeal to those who wish to live at the expense of others, and Dumocrats think those people are in the majority, so they pander to them. But they aren’t in the majority, which is why Trump got elected, and why he will be re-elected in 2020. Swamp dwellers beware.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Now former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has declared America a “sanctuary country.” WTF? Does he think he’s president? Liberals are really stupid… Now THAT’S funny! Liberals are asking Hillary for suggestions on how to beat President Trump… Dumocrats have so far raised $43 million to finance their 2020 election campaigns. Some “doom-sayers” talk about that, forgetting entirely how much money has been raised for the Trump campaign, as well as how much money Trump himself has to invest… “Crazy Bernie” Sanders is hard at work on his next best-seller. Working title: “Make Millions Selling Socialism to Idiots.” (Apologies to A. F. Branco cartoons)… It is sure proof that socialism is bad for us when its acolytes are mad at Bernie for being rich. Socialism condemns achievement…

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