Friday, September 28, 2018

"We Must Ban Hammers!"

And clubs! And anything that can be USED as a club, like one of those metal flashlights the cops carry and are so easy to buy, that are so heavy! And heavy ash trays! And vases! And hands and feet! Many people have been killed with all of these things, so we must ban them! How about politicians’ mouths? People have been killed by what politicians SAY! We must ban ANYTHING that is capable of self-defense! FBI figures show that more people have been killed and injured by hammers and other kinds of clubs than guns. And even more people were killed by “personal weapons” such as hands, fists, feet, than with rifles and shotguns COMBINED! What about cars? Should we ban cars? So how do we stop people from getting killed? Ban everything? Or find some way to stop killings before they happen? Or arm the law-abiding, who are NOT he problem.

YOU CAN’T ESCAPE IT! I’m trying my best to escape seeing and hearing the “side show” going on in the Senate this morning (as this is written). Christine Ford did actually show up, in spite of the fact that not all her demands were met. I don’t want to sit through all the boring back and forth between senators, lawyers, representatives, and those “testifying.” I will get the essentials, later. But even Rush Limbaugh is streaming the hearing live, I’m pulling my hair out! I refuse to watch ANY of those “dog and pony shows” they put on in DC. they’re mostly to let the senators and representatives preen before the cameras, anyway, with no substance coming out.

THE DEMOCRATS WIN: It doesn’t matter in the long run whether or not Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court. If he is not confirmed, they’ll take it. If he is not, they still win. Because their goal was not just to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court. That was only an incidental goal. Their basic goal is to make ALL of Trump’s nominations for ALL positions think twice before accepting, lest their lives be ruined, whether or not they are confirmed.

MONEY BUYS IT: Michael Bloomberg may be running for president in the next election. But he has already demonstrated his fealty to those who want to make the Second Amendment be sent to “the dustbin of history.” Not just “fealty” to those who wish to eliminate one of our most cherished rights, but a LEADERSHIP role in that effort. He has already spent $MILLIONS in his quest, and he has just pledged to spend ANOTHER hundred million to advance it, even more. All without significant progress. A vote for Bloomberg in the next election is a vote to give away your right to self defense, whether or not it is couched in that manner.

SHOT BY EVERYBODY: This crook picked the wrong convenience store to rob, at the very worst time—for him. There were four armed cops in line when he entered, wearing a motorcycle helmet disguise, and tried to rob the store. Whereupon all four cops shot him, making him resemble a bloody piece of Swiss cheese. It is not known (to us) if he survived, but I doubt he did. Cops shoot to kill. This again points up the reality that having more people who are NOT criminals, be armed, can make all the difference when an ILLEGALLY armed criminal comes in to do his dirty work.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Obama says “Fox News” is part of the Republican Party. That’s a lie. He said the same things about “Fox” as Trump is saying about CNN. In addition, he tried to PROSECUTE a “Fox” reporter, and failed. All the other “news sources” are part of the DUMOCRAT Party… Dumocrats keep saying Trump “doesn’t deserve to be president.” But he WON the election. That’s how you GAIN the right to be president… I’d write a book, “What’s WRONG With Socialism!” Except it would only contain a few pages. It can be described in one sentence: “It is based on THEFT of the fruits of production from the producers of new wealth for the benefit of those who produce NOTHING. It produces nothing, and depends on the producer to produce enough new wealth for them so STEAL…

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