Thursday, September 6, 2018

"Free Stuff! Free Stuff!

That’s what’s being hollered by all liberal candidates for office. They fall all over each other to see who can offer the most “free stuff” to buy the votes of those who just want to live at the expense of others. One candidate for the governorship of Maryland is promising free college tuition for ILLEGAL ALIENS! He says the money to pay for it would come from higher taxes for “the top 1%” (a favorite scam) AND from the cost savings of reducing the prison population by 30% (a pipe dream of liberals resulting in letting more felons loose on the rest of us). One wag compared this to the legislation that spent $130,000.00 to install a heated sidewalk in front of the governor’s mansion so it wouldn’t have to be shoveled in the winter. The whole point is that liberal politicians like this are good at spending somebody else’s money, never their own.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? Trump makes a decision to RECOGNIZE what Israel has always known. the capital of THEIR COUNTRY is Jerusalem, and riots break out. To not recognize that is an insult to a sovereign nation in favor of a PRETENDER. Palestinians PRETEND to have rights in that thing, but they do NOT. They don't NEED Jerusalem. They just THINK they do. To do violence over that is a crime. But then, rocket bombing innocent Israelis every day is a crime, too. there has never been a "Palestinian State," and probably never will be. And that's only right.

IT’S NOT “COMMON SENSE”: The Anti-gun fools like to refer to their useless laws that do NOTHING to reduce gun violence as “common sense gun laws.” But they are anything BUT “common sense.” They just don’t work, because they don’t take into account the number of ILLEGAL GUNS there are already in circulation. We’re talking MILLIONS of illegal guns out there in the hands of those who would victimize the rest of us. All their “common sense laws” do is DISARM the honest, law-abiding people who OBEY laws, making them “easy targets” for those who obey NO LAWS.

KAVANAUGH’S “EXTREME BELIEFS”: They call his view that the Second Amendment should be enforced as such “extreme views on guns.” Since when is obeying the constitution “extreme?” They say his views are “right out of the gun lobby’s playbook,” and why shouldn’t they be, since the “gun lobby” is only lobbying for the law to be enforced, and the Constitution to be followed? They say his views will allow domestic violence offenders to have guns, which they will NOT. Domestic violence offenders soon become felons, and then are not allowed guns, UNDER the Constitution. Meanwhile, real “common sense gun laws” would allow his intended VICTIM to be armed, so as to defend herself against him. And if he can't get a gun legally, he'll do it ILLEGALLY.

COWARD’S "RESISTANCE”: Some guy (it might be a guy) SUPPOSEDLY “in the White House” doing everything he/she can to derail Trump’s work, has written an ANONYMOUS letter to the editor of The New York Times (surprise, surprise!) saying he/she is part of “the resistance” working in the White House. But since he/she didn’t have guts enough to attach his/her name to the letter, there’s no proof of that. The letter could just be from some liberal fool out there CLAIMING to be “in the White ‘House.” The very fact that the letter is anonymous makes it worthless. Liberals everywhere will treat it as “gospel truth,” when it is anything BUT.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Dumocrats are “dragging their feet” on the Kavanaugh nomination because of “Trump’s possible criminal wrongdoing.” But strangely they can’t point to any specific “criminal wrongdoing” that IS “criminal wrongdoing.” All they can point to is THEIR IDEA of “criminal wrongdoing,” which isn’t that, at all… Ocasio Cortez, whose eyes are always wide open and her teeth gritted or her mouth wide open when photographed, slams Uber for “killing cab drivers” by competing with them while USING Uber, herself. This is typical of her. All cab companies have to do is start operating the same way Uber does, but they don’t. All they do is gripe. Her main complaint is that Uber isn’t “regulated” like cabs are… Communist China is “slamming” Trump because of “irresponsible” N. Korea comments. But who cares what communist China thinks? I sure don’t And I don’t think any other real American does, either. Only liberals care

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