Thursday, April 19, 2018

"Character Assassination!"

Liberals are very frightened about the new movie about Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick. so the New York Times is now calling it "character assassination." That's one way to discredit true news among liberals, who never really know what's going on, since they only read liberal news sources or watch liberal television stations. But that will not work on INTELLIGENT people who look at both sides of any issue. And the truth is, Ted Kennedy is a bloody MURDERER! And his murder was covered up as long as he was alive. Powerful forces attempted to stop this movie from being made, because they know it is TRUTH, and they don't want that out there, just before a pivotal election they hope to win, to get control back in DC so they can continue to fleece America.

ENGLAND'S "KNIFE CONTROL": England thought they had "solved the gun violence problem" with their very stringent gun control laws. They took guns away from the law-abiding, and INCREASED the use of guns by those who IGNORE their damned fool gun laws. Now London is suffering higher murder rates than New York City, where guns abound (in spite of THEIR tight gun laws). And the highest number of those crimes are done with KNIVES. Guns are harder to come by, so they kill people with knives Surprise, surprise! The "bad guys" improvise, and use whatever's available! Now they propose new "knife control laws." Which won't work any better than gun control laws, but they're too stupid to know that.

IGNORANT POLITICIANS: I've used this headline before, and I'll use it again, as long as politicians do stupid things. Like London's mayor is doing in his "flailing" efforts to reduce violent crime in his city. Anti-gun politicians all over the world think that the mere PRESENCE of a gun--and now a KNIFE in someone's pocket will cause them to commit a violent crime, so they do everything they can to take away our right to self defense, and to own or use ANYTHING that will help us in this endeavor. The very wording of the "laws" this fool has fostered reveals his ignorance. It bans ANYTHING that "could be used as a deadly weapon."

THE SWAMP FIGHTS BACK: What accounts for the visceral hatred there seems to be for President Trump, in every facet of government, academia, the media, the judiciary, and every other bureaucracy in America? It's the swamp. The "swamp denizens" see their END coming if Trump is allowed to finish what he started, and promised to to. And Trump usually does exactly what he says he will do. They're frightened. They know they can't let Trump do what he has promised, so they hate him with a passion. They will do everything in their power to stop him. Mueller's "investigation" is but one part of their drive to "get rid of Trump," any way they can. If they can't do it any other way, look for there to be an assassination attempt, hopefully not successful.

THE BIAS IS OBVIOUS: There's a clear bias in DC when it comes to "investigations." Hillary was under investigation all during the time she was running for president, and the "investigators" did everything they could to keep her from being proven a corrupt fool, which she was--and IS. She orchestrated a scam to make sure her chief opposition in her own party, socialist Bernie Sanders, didn't have a chance to be the nominee by creating a "super delegate" system whereby no matter how many primaries he won, she always came away with more delegates. Then in the election itself, she only made "swipes" at campaigning, because the Dumocrats figured "it was in the bag" for her to win because of their successful voter fraud in many places. The world knows, but she doesn't care. The "fix is in."

IT'S A COMMON SCAM: Releasing a multi-thousand page bill just a few hours before it is scheduled for a vote, making it IMPOSSIBLE for lawmakers to actually READ the bill before being forced to vote on it, while being told it is imperative that they pass it, without knowing what's in it. Nancy Peelosi unwittingly made that plain when she told us, "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it," about the Obamacare bill. If I were a lawmaker, I would vote "NO" on such bills, no matter what the "leaders" told me. I would NOT vote for a bill I was not given a chance to READ. Which is why I will never get to be a lawmaker. (Sigh!)

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