Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Putin Won Again

Surprise, surprise! The dictator of Russia won an election again! And by a 76% margin over his nearest competitor. What will happen to those who didn't vote for him is anybody's guess. Maybe a bullet in the forehead or complete economic ruination. I don't know. This reminds me of the last "election" staged for Saddam Hussein in Iraq before he was deposed and hanged by his victims. It was a 100% victory. He apparently wasn't satisfied with the last "election," where he got only 80%, so he held another one while he punished the 20% who did not vote for him.

BACKGROUND CHECKS USELESS: Such checks are only as good as the data on which they are based. And Obama has made those checks USELESS by DELETING 500,000 criminals from the database used by those "background checks." This is yet another failure of law enforcement, caused, not by the law enforcers, but by Obama's DOJ itself. This makes ALL "background checks" questionable. 500,000 criminals is a LOT of criminals to be EXCLUDED from that database, and makes all the "backgound checks" questionable.

OBAMA DID IT, GOOD: Trump did it, BAD! The liberal media marveled when it found Obama had compiled a "massive database" using Facebook and Google information to get elected. They called him a "genius." Then they found out the Trump organization did the exact same thing Obama had done, and they went bananas. They called it "almost CRIMINAL!" An "invasion of privacy! This is a standard Dumocrat scam: accuse your opponent of "almost criminal action" for doing the very thing YOU have been doing, right along. And it works, most of the time, because those who "pay no attention to politics" until just before an election BUY their BS.

"TRUMP IS A BUMBLING FOOL": He has no idea what he's doing as he "wanders the halls" of the White House, gazing at the portraits of former presidents while looking for the nearest television set so he can watch "Gilligan's Island." He's "uneducated and stupid," and relies on his friends to advise him, while their advice is usually wrong. That's what the left wants you to think. But how do they explain the fact that Trump "whups them" at every turn? How he has done more good things in his FIRST YEAR than has ANY other president, in that time frame? How does he make them look like the fools they are if he's so "out of it?" All of this is simply their irrational "Trump hate." and he will continue to make them look foolish for the next four (and maybe eight) years as he goes about tearing down their little personal fiefdoms.

McCABE DIDN'T LOSE HIS PENSION: The liberal media LIED. Surprise, surprise! Andrew McCabe did NOT lose his pension by being fired before his retirement date. He DID lose some of his early benefits (of course,he's worth $11 million). Further, he didn't get fired by anything Trump did. He was fired after an investigation by his fellow FBI people found that he had LIED in an investigation by the Inspector General of the FBI. That's a lot different than what has been reported in the liberal media. which means they LIED in saying he had lost his pension.

ANOTHER DAMNED SCHOOL SHOOTING: When will those fools who want to keep schools "no-gun zones" learn that this policy only makes schools a more tempting target for any idiot who wants to kill a few students? Potential mass shooters SEEK OUT gun-free ones in which to do their killing, and now there is yet ANOTHER school shooting in Great Mills, Maryland. Fortunately, I think it was just one student wanting to shoot another, not a general "school shooting" that involved many students as it was in Broward County, Florida. It is apparently a student with a gun, which means an ILLEGAL gun, about which NONE of their laws will stop. In any case, the killer was killed by a "good guy with a gun" before he could kill as many as he had planned, if that was what he'd planned.

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