Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Nazi? Or Communist?

As I watched student protester David Hogg speak, I thought, "Nazi again!" Then he raised his fist in the known communist salute, and I cringed anew. So did Buzz Feed, and other news sources, since they cut the film of it before he made that silly salute. Did he realize what that salute meant? Nazis were bad, but communism has murdered MILLIONS of innocent people in their quest to bend everybody to their will. I don't think the boy is a communist, OR a Nazi. I think he's just IGNORANT, and "feeling his oats" in his short-lived fame. He has taken up a losing fight, and I feel sorry for him. His demonstrations won't save a single life, because he's championing laws that will do NOTHING to "stop gun violence" or end the specter of school shootings.

"KILL 'EM, TAKE GUNS": That's what one Dumocrat candidate for Sheriff in Buncombe County, North Carolina, thinks he has the right to do, in spite of the constitutional guarantee of the right of all Americans to be armed for self defense. Frankly, I think he might have bought a bullet for himself when he knocks on the door of a gun owner's house and tries to do that. The gun owner would be fully within his rights to just SHOOT this fool to keep him, or his men from killing HIM. It is fools like this who prove that there will always be dumbasses running for office, who think their wishes and desires give them the right to KILL others, to realize them. And they will usually be Dumocrats, because that's where the dumbasses congregate.

RUBIO ISN'T TOO BRIGHT: They thought he was when they elected him senator, but he just proved they were wrong. He said, ""Many other Americans do not support a gun ban. They too want to prevent mass shootings, but view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies." I got a clue for ya, senator; they ARE an "infringement on Second Amendment rights." And it is true that they will NOT prevent such tragedies. He also thinks a ban on "bump stocks" will stop all school shootings. Never mind there hasn't been a single school shooting involving a bump stock.

WHO GIVES A DAMN? Stormy Daniels (a former porn star) is making big noise about a single sexual encounter she CLAIMS she had with President Trump a DECADE ago. Who gives a DAMN who Trump might have had sex with way back when? If that's all they've got, they're in big trouble. There is no PROOF of her claims, except her UNSUPPORTED word. She CLAIMS there is a "non-disclosure agreement" with Trump, but I'd bet Trump's signature is not on it. The lawyer CLAIMS he worked for Trump but, again, we have only his unsupported word for that. And even if there is such an agreement, she is already in violation. It's just another scurrilous scam by the Dumocrats.

DITCHING THE AMERICAN FLAG: The proof of the liberal influence at work on the "student march" for their lives is that Emma Gonzalez, a major supporter, made a speech wearing a "Cuban dictator-looking" military jacket bearing a CUBAN flag, instead of the usual American flag worn in America. That tells us she likes Cuba, a country where a new dictator began confiscating the guns of its citizens within two days of taking power, and has since murdered THOUSANDS, maybe more, of his people after disarming them. It is a common theme among dictators to disarm their people as soon as they can.

ZUCKERBERG IS IN TROUBLE: He let Trump do the same thing he allowed Obama to do, and got in trouble for it. Nobody gave him any flack for letting Obama dip into the private information on his millions of customers, so I guess he figured letting Trump do the same thing wouldn't be a problem, either. WRONG! If Trump lets a fart, the liberal media will go crazy and accuse him of global warming violations for expelling methane. Never mind people all over the world do it many times a day. If Trump does it, it's a crime!

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