Friday, December 22, 2017

Democrats Are Freaked!

They're going out of their minds! The Senate passed Trump's tax bill and they HATE it! They hate ANYTHING that is good for America because whatever is good for America is bad for them. They rely on things being bad because they can claim to "fix it." But they never do. Whatever they do always makes it WORSE. The Dumocrats are good at stealing elections because they have been doing it for so long. But they're miserable failures at governing. The proof is in every city that is run by Dumocrats.

RECIPROCITY'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL? That's what the liberals (and anti-gun fools) are telling us. It's amazing that they really seem to believe this blather. They should show me where in the Constitution it says that concealed carry reciprocity IS unconstitutional. It is NOT. But they put things like that out there and those who "pay no attention to politics" believe it--and when elections come about, they vote. That's the one big weakness in our system. Fools are allowed to vote their IGNORANCE, and Dumocrats take full advantage of that. This is how they manage to get their STUPIDITIES passed into law.

EMPTY SHELVES: That's what socialism means to a country. The Free Market, which collectivists (socialists, communists, progressivists, Fascists, etc.) call capitalism, as an insult, means not only full shelves of goods available, but the need for even more shelves to hold the overage. Collectivism means children starving, and that has become obvious in Venezuela, where the socialist society is crumbling before our eyes because it produces NOTHING. There are riots in the streets over the lack of such staples as toilet paper in stores, let alone food. And luxuries? Only the top "government officials" still get them, as is usual in a socialist society. Socialism means failure. That has been proven in many places.

"TRUTH IS HATE SPEECH": That's what the anti-gun fools want people to think, anyway. They are now saying that anybody who says criminals don't obey laws is spouting hate speech. There's one little problem with that: It's a LIE. They're trying to remove one of the truest statements in the "gun controversy." The FACT that criminals DON'T obey laws--ANY laws, doesn't seem to crack their stone-like skulls. Next, they'll come out with a statement that "no-gun zones" don't work is hate speech, too. Again, the problem is, it's a LIE.

UN PROVES USELESS: Again, the United Nations proves itself useless. They took a vote to condemn Trump's recognizing reality, that Jerusalem was Israel's capital and determined to move our embassy there. It was a big thing to the UN's many dictators, but nothing at all to the United States, and Nikky Haley, our ambassador, told them so in no uncertain terms. She told them their "exalted resolution" meant nothing at all, and that we, as a sovereign nation, would put our embassies where the hell we wanted, and they could "go to hell" with their "resolution." They are an expensive, toothless nothing, and our funding of them is on very shaky ground if they don't "shape up."

POLLS ARE PHONY: Most of the polls talked about by the liberal media are phony. they are designed in such a way as to make the fake news they wish to make. One of the most recent polls released, attempted to tell us that only 25% of the American people supported Donald Trump. How then, do they explain his overwhelming triumph in an election that was supposed to be "fixed" for Hillary to win? They purport to tell us that large corporations hate the American people generally, and their employees specifically. So what are all those bonuses and raises about?

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