Saturday, September 20, 2014

ISIS Is Already Here!

They are arguing on the news channels about ISIS (whatever they call themselves) being here or not. Many people don’t believe they are and are demanding PROOF. But the proof is there, in the victims of at least one Muslim crossing the country killing people assumed to be “anti-Muslim.” Our southern border is wide open, and if you don’t believe Islamic terrorists are pouring in like water through a downspout, you’re deluded. They’d better wake up, before they become victims.

LIBERALS ARE THE ENEMY! It’s about time Americans realized it. Aside from the fact that pure liberalism means a belief in collectivism (socialism) to be imposed upon this country, liberals are working HARD to HELP the Islamic terrorists all over the world. Every time Obama has to “rule” on a question involving Muslims, he “rules” in their favor. He is ARMING Islamic terrorists in Syria, calling them “Syrian rebels,” which we know that’s not all they are. If liberals have their way, we’ll be the next “Soviet Union.”

“TAKE IT FOR GRANTED”: Michelle Obama says, “Americans should take it for granted, all the good things Obama has done for this country.” WHAT “good things? What planet has this fool been living on? Obama has done many things, but all of them have been to the DETRIMENT of America. Of course, she can’t see that, because she is as deluded as he is and is just as strongly dedicated to imposing socialism on us as he is. “Birds of a feather flock together<” and she is literal proof of that.

FORCED ISLAM: As WND reported in May, a panel of federal judges in Denver, in an opinion written by Judge Harris Hartz, found that it is perfectly appropriate for a police chief to order subordinates to attend an Islamic mosque where Muslims 'discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” in addition to encouraging officers 'to buy' Islamic books and pamphlets that were for sale.” Somebody has obviously “bought” this court or intimidated it, because in America, it is NOT appropriate for a cop to be ORDERED to FORCE his subordinates to attend a meeting where a specific religion is being promoted That IS a violation of the church and state separation requirement.

“LONE WOLVES”: Did you know that ISIS is trying to recruit AMERICANS to become “lone wolf” terrorists to learn the names and addresses of military people, then go and kill them? Some people are arguing about the possibility of Islamic terrorists being already here, working to do their dirty work. But by the time their argument is over, they may be DEAD from terrorist activity. While they’re “demanding PROOF” that ISIS is already here, ISIS fools are working feverishly to undermine us. And undermine us they will, if we don’t “wake up” and kill them. I don’t mean “bring them to justice,” I mean KILL them. That’s what they wish for us, and what they will GIVE us, if we let them.

A “SNOWBALL’S CHANCE IN HELL”: Retired General James Conway, who served as the 34th Commandant of the Marine Corps, says that of Obama’s “solution” to the ISIS (or ISIL, as Obama falsely calls them) “problem. This is being said by a career military man who was responsible for some spectacular military successes, about the “solution proposed by a complete amateur who thinks he’s (Obama) the best military mind around. Which is no surprise, since Obama doesn’t WANT to win the war against Islamic terrorism. He’s PART of it, on the ENEMY side.

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