Friday, September 26, 2014

"Boobs On the Ground"

Liberals are whining about some of the remarks made  by two members of “The Five” crew, Greg Gutfeld and Eric Boling, after Kimberly Guilfoyl noted that the leader of the most recent bombing of ISIS troops was led by a woman, which should enrage Islamic terrorists, no end, because they’re about the most sexist people around. The comments the two made were called “sexist,” and they probably were. But is that all people have to cry about? I think all the people Islamic terrorists are beheading, raping, and otherwise killing because they aren’t “believers” is much more important.

“COMING TO A PLACE NEAR YOU”: An Islamic murderer recently seen on Fox News threatening us has been arrested in Britain, along with several other Islamic murderers. He told Sean Hannity that, “Sharia Law is coming to a place near you.” Boy, are these people DEMENTED! That won’t happen as long as I am alive! If it does, it will be ILLEGAL under our Constitution and will REMAIN illegal. It is only his IGNORANCE that makes people like him think it will happen. He’s just “blowing smoke.”

CONGRESS POWERLESS: They charged Holder with “contempt of Congress” for refusing to turn over specific papers they demanded, and he ignored it and went on as if it never happened. Now he’s resigning, hoping to be appointed to the Supreme Court so he can do even more damage. And not a peep out of Congress. How does he get away with such blatant lawlessness? Maybe, like Clinton, he “knows where the bodies are buried,” and maybe even buried a few, himself.

SHARPTON ADVISES WHITE HOUSE: Rush Limbaugh made a JOKE about Al Sharpton being in line to be named attorney general to replace Holder. And now, according to no less than Sharpton, himself, he is engaged in talks designed to select a new AG! Now why would a president consult a “race whore” on who should be AG? Maybe because he’s a criminal himself, and doesn’t SEE Sharpton as a criminal, as human beings do. Of course, we only have Sharpton’s word on that, and you know what THAT’S worth.

“A ROCKET UP HIS TAIL PIPE”: That’s what at least one Fox reporter thinks should happen, instead of “capturing” him and subjecting him to our broken “justice system.” I agree. I think he should be beheaded with a rusty old, dull knife, just like he did to his captives, but I doubt that will ever happen. I don’t think he’ll get a rocket up his tailpipe, either, unless it happens by accident. I’ll be satisfied if somebody just shoots him, in a place that guarantees him a long, painful time before he dies.

“CROOKED SHERIFF” GONE: Anybody who has ever read one of those ubiquitous “Westerns” knows how a crooked sheriff can really mess things up in his county by the way he enforces (or does NOT enforce) the law. How he lets his crooked friends go on victimizing the citizens while he spends his time harassing the honest people. This is what has happened nationally in the last six years with Eric Holder, a PROVEN criminal, being America’s “top cop.” He has selectively enforced the laws, refusing to enforce them on his friends (such as Obama) while harassing honest people. He should be “tarred and feathered” and “run out of town on a rail,” but I’ll be satisfied if he just disappears from the scene; that is, if he isn’t replaced by somebody just as crooked, which is a real possibility.

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