Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's Not About Dog Poop

Wayne Benett, CEO of Team Worx, made an eloquent plea for gun control on by using the problem of owners picking up their dog’s poop in a park to argue for more “gun control.” Of course, he used the fact that Chicago had more people killed by guns than in a “war zone” as an example, completely ignoring the fact that Chicago has some of the most intrusive and restrictive gun laws in the nation, which have made NO DIFFERENCE in the number of gun deaths, except to INCREASE them. As usual, the arguments from anti-gun fools are specious.

GOVERNMENT SPYING: I think it’s very instructive to know that our government is actively spying on US, but NOT the Islamics. Obama has implied, in all his “pronouncements,” that the Islamic terrorist” question has been solved, even though it has NOT. For some reason he seems to want us to be blind to the fact that Islamic terrorists are killing us on a regular basis—us and every other non-Muslim. They say they are “peaceful,” but “peaceful,” to them, means that all non-Muslims are either dead or converted to Islam.

“WITCH HUNT?”: Democrats say all the “scandals” that are plaguing the Obama administration are Republican “witch hunts.” But that doesn’t alter the fact that four people are dead in Benghazi, and Obama took NO action except to tell the survivors to “keep their mouths shut” while hiding their identities from us; that the IRS did harass right-wingers who applied for tax-free status, and his government IS forcing phone companies to turn over their records without warrants. Other “scandals” are just as real, no matter how much Democrats deny them or try to minimize them

Why? Because the doctors (under orders from Obama’s dictatorship)in (where else?) New England asked him “the gun question” and he told them to “go to hell.” This is what we can expect from now on, with the government in charge of our medical care. I’m waiting for a doctor to ask ME the “gun question.” I will tell them it’s “none of your damned business” and the chips will fall where they may and they can “stick it in their tailpipe.”

“PEOPLE SHOULDN’T OWN GUNS”: Our very own president says, in spite of the Second Amendment to our Constitution guaranteeing gun ownership, even to repulse government attackers, that, “People shouldn’t have the right to own guns.” What a FOOL he is! Just because HE thinks people shouldn’t have the right to own guns doesn’t mean he’s right. We need to GET RID OF this fool before he makes this country into a TRUE dictatorship where he can act on his ideas, regardless of a Constitution!

OBAMA’S GOING TO AFRICA! On another of his “vacations” he CALLS “working trips” where his wife and children (and their security details) take over entire floors in hotels) and “party” while he attends one or two meetings to discuss unimportant things that could have been discussed over the telephone without spending $100 MILLION dollars then goes out and plays golf, then joins the party.

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