Monday, June 17, 2013

Insulting Our Intelligence

Obama insults your intelligence every day by the things he wants you to believe. Such as that Islamic terrorism is largely beaten, while it flourishes all over the world with Obama and his crowd calling its attacks by a different name. Like Ft. Hood being called “workplace violence” when the shooter “made no bones” about being Muslim, shouted “Allahu Akbar!” as he was killing people, insisted on growing a beard for his court appearances, as “all good Muslims do” while insisting he killed those people to “help Islam.” Yet Obama STILL calls it “workplace violence.” What a FOOL we (not me) elected president!

WASHINGTON SYSTEMATICALLY LIES TO YOU: Example, “baseline budgeting.” Under “baseline budgeting, each department get an automatic 10% INCREASE every year. So if that increase is reduced, say, to 7%, they CALL IT a 3% CUT. Both parties have done it for a long time, and it IS a “systematic lie.”

MORE THAN HALF “ON THE DOLE”: One big reason why Obama was re-elected in spite of his policies that are ruining this country is that more than HALF the voters are “on the dole” and will vote for him or anybody else who promises to “keep the goodies coming.” They don’t want to “upset the applecart” by voting for someone who might cut them off.

BIGGEST LIE OF ALL: Remember when, during the last election, Obama said, “We tried MY ideas and they worked. And we tried Romney’s ideas and they did not. This is the biggest lie of all. Obama’s ideas have only worked to move us closer to socialism; and we NEVER tried Romney’s ideas—ever. And the people who “paid no attention to politics” believed it.

“LETTING OLD PEOPLE DIE”: Obama said, during the last election, “Romney wants to let old people die.” But it is OBAMA who WILL “let old people die.” Remember the guy who asked him about “approving” needed life-saving” actions for his 93-year-old mother because of her “will to live?” And Obama said, “just give her a pain pill?” Hypocrite is such an overused word, but it FITS Obama so well I have to use it here.

LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING: Obama and his “gang of thieves’ would rather LIE than tell the truth, even when the truth would serve better. I said that before about Bill Clinton; it was true. Clinton was an expert liar, but he isn’t anywhere close to Obama’s class as a liar. Obama will look you right in the eye and lie to you, KNOWING you know the truth, and DEFY you to call him a liar. Then he goes on and makes policy BASED on that lie as if it were NOT a lie.

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