Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Bastard's Mad

Poor baby! He lost, BIG, in his effort to pass the usual tired, old anti-gun laws his fools have had in their desk drawers for YEARS, just waiting for the right tragedy to come along so they can bring them out again. His former chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel (now mayor of Obama’s home town) once said. “Never let a good panic go to waste,” and Obama and his “gang of thieves” certainly don’t.

It sickens me every time I hear what Obama and other liberals think about this and that, as they do every day. It insults my intelligence, and yours. And they EXPECT us to believe their every word, when almost all of them are LIES. Just as liberal commentators are doing right now, trying to blame conservatives for the Boston explosions before ANYBODY has any idea who was responsible. When are we going to wake up and slap this fool down?

Even as incompetent politicians run around like “chickens with their heads cut off” making new anti-gun laws, people who are INTELLIGENT know they won’t do a thing to stop gun violence since they aim at honest people who OBEY such laws. They should be making laws that make the sentence stiffer for criminals who don’t OBEY laws

A “DARK-SKINNED INDIVIDUAL”: Of COURSE, that means it is a WHITE American bombed the Boston Marathon, right? ALL “white Americans” are “dark-skinned,” right?. It just amazes me how the liberals twist things to support their LYING agenda. What are they going to do if they find it actually WAS a black man; or an Islamic terrorist? Or worse, a KNOWN liberal? They’ll just ignore it and go right on as if they never said anything.

WOULD ANTI-GUN LAWS STOP BOSTON? Watch the anti-gun crowd try to use the bombing in Boston as an excuse to “ramp up” their rhetoric to make more gun laws to keep guns out of the hands of honest, responsible people so they cannot defend themselves when an ILLEGALLY armed criminal accosts them. Damn, these people are STUPID!

OBAMA WHINES ABOUT LOSING: Common sense prevailed in Congress recently when the Senate (with a majority of his own Democrats) refused to pass his useless legislation. So he took to the rose Garden and whined and moaned about it. Telling his own lies about it while accusing “the pro-gun lobby” (translation, the Republicans) of lying to get his faulty legislation blocked. Obviously, he HATES to be beaten, and this is one time he was. And he’s crying about it.

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