Thursday, April 4, 2013

Environmental Bureaucrats Want $1.40 Gal. Gas Tax

They think their tax should be put in front of all the other taxes Obama’s “gang of thieves” want to impose on us. The government already makes more money on a gallon of gas than do the oil companies that have to invest their money to CREATE it and get the blame for high gas prices. And they want more; for themselves. Environmentalism is the new communism and they’re making progress on “taking over” America.

ENVIRONMENTALISTS WANT TO GET RID OF OIL: They know there is NO viable replacement, but they want to get rid of ALL “fossil fuels.” If they do, we’re dead. But they don’t care. They will have made provisions for themselves. Obama has pledged to BANKRUPT the coal companies, which are ESSENTIAL to the production of electricity, which is ESSENTIAL to life, as we know it. Without it, we’ll go back to the life as it was in the 1800s. Is that what they want? Absolutely.

“TWEAKING” CURRENT LAW: The government is growing by leaps and bounds. Not by PASSING new laws, but by “tweaking” current law and making thousands of “regulations” that are never voted on by Congress. Example: they “tweaked” the law about Food Stamps and allowed the rolls of food stamp recipients to DOUBLE since Obama was elected, abetted by people who just “want a free ride” and don’t care that Obama is destroying this nation.

TWISTING THE FIGURES: Obama twists the unemployment figures by refusing to count those who have GIVEN UP on ever getting another job and have STOPPED LOOKING. If those people were counted, the unemployment figure would be at 14%, not the 7% figure his “gang of thieves” claim. But who is listening to me?

CREATING “MONOPOLY® MONEY”: Obama’s Federal Reserve is printing billions of dollars (maybe TRILLIONS) of phony money every month on a regular routine basis. Then he’s using that PHONY MONEY to buy U. S. Bonds on the stock market; which makes the stock market rise and makes him look good. This just one of his little tricks to make us think the “recession” is over and we are in a “recovery phase,” which we are not. But those who “pay no attention to politics” will never know that—and they vote, in their IGNORANCE.

LIBS DECRY OBESITY AND HUNGER: How do they reconcile that? If there is too much hunger in this country, how could there be too much OBESITY? Or vice-versa, if there is too much OBESITY in this country, how can there be too much HUNGER? As usual, their campaigns don’t use REASON. They just make fun of those who disagree with them, call them names, and go right on as if nobody said a word. They NEVER discuss their positions on the MERITS, because they HAVE no merits. They even deny the very EXISTENCE of reason so they don’t have to try and be reasonable.

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