Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bin Laden's Porn Collection

Which shows his complete hypocrisy, since he preaches against “Western decadence.” He and his friends insist on covering their women completely so others won’t “lust after them” and they can keep them to themselves before they die. After they die they can screw their “72 virgins” for all eternity without making them into non-virgins. That very promise shows their hypocrisy.

REVENGE FOR OSAMA: Or “business as usual?” Frankly, I don’t see how these inefficient killers could do anything more than what they do every day, in “revenge for Osama,” except to just label it as such. If they could do any worse than they do every day, they’d do it. And if they really HAD a nuclear device to set off in New York City, they’d have already done it.

TYPICAL LIBERALS: I was listening to some of the people I work with (at my two-day-a-week job to get money to eat) blurting liberal nonsense left and right and got tired of hearing it. So I made a contribution and within 30 seconds they were insulting me and accusing ME of being misinformed. ME! A guy who has STUDIED this stuff five days a week or more for more than TEN years, being accused of being “misinformed” by people who ARE misinformed! Jeeze! I noticed they did nothing to prove me wrong; just insulted me.

EASIER TARGET: The Taliban in Pakistan bombed a recruit center in Pakistan in “retaliation” (they say) for the Pakistan not interfering in the American raid that killed Osama. But notice they didn’t attack an AMERICAN installation because it wasn’t an “easy target.” They like “easy targets.”

“BIRTHER” CONTROVERSY “OVER”? Some liberals (most, actually) think the “birther” controversy is over just because Obama released an obviously phony long form birth certificate. Actually, all that did was raise some REAL questions. Before, all they had was the question, “Why won’t he release it?” Now the questions are about the hospital that didn’t exist at the time, the reference to his dad’s race as “African,” which wasn’t in use at the time, and the “current day computer typing,” on the form, not the kind that existed in the sixties. It’s not “over.” It’s just beginning.

PALESTINIANS WANT “HONOR” OF ANNIHILATING JEWS: Many liberal FOOLS are still pushing the idea of a “Palestinian State” in an area now occupied by many Jews. They’re making progress on establishing it, and Palestinians are openly saying they will “have the honor” of annihilating the Jews who live there now when it happens. When are these people going to WAKE UP and listen to what the Palestinians are SAYING?

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