Friday, December 6, 2019

"Workplace Marshals"

It sounds like a bad idea, but it’s not. When I first read about it, I thought these “marshals” were like the old Soviet Union “commissars.” Put in place to watch the workers and report any action that was anti-government. But it’s not. It’s the best idea they can come up with to combat “gun crime” in government buildings, like arming teachers in schools. It gives them a “first line of defense” against mass killers come to kill their employees. Those “marshals” are simply regular employees who are legal “carriers,” and are allowed to bring their guns to work.

GRASPING AT STRAWS: That’s what Dumocrats are now doing in their effort to unseat President Trump. What Dumocrat Rep. Jaypal insisted was “obstruction” is Trump using the system in an effort to defend himself, while Dumocrats are denying him the right to an attorney, or even to have witnesses in his favor. What Dumocrats are insisting is “impeachable offense” changes daily, and some of what they claim is “impeachable” borders upon the absurd. I’m getting to the point where I wonder if they will ever actually come up with ANYTHING they can use to impeach him, and will have to depend on their slim majority in the House to even come to a vote to impeach, on whatever “grounds” they can whip up.

GUN CONTROL FUTILITY: It’s a futile game the anti-gun fools are playing. They have to know, first of all, that the Constitution is against them ever being able to disarm all American citizens—so they have to find a way around it. Even so, every time anybody fires a gun “in anger,” even if it was a case of self defense or police action, they attribute it to “gun crime,” to inflate their numbers. They seem to figure each and every crime committed with a gun is done with a gun that was bought legally, while the purchaser stood for a background check—which is totally wrong—criminals almost always get their guns illegally, either by buying them out of the trunk of the car of another criminal in a back alley somewhere or stealing them.

THE “RUSHING IT SCAM”: “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff is using the “rushing scam” on congress with his “impeachment report.” He’s releasing it one day, and requiring a vote the next, which gives busy congresspeople little time to read it. That reduces the possibility of objections to any part of it. This system is in regular use in Congress, which accounts for the many bills that get passed into law without congresspeople reading them, and thus are ignorant as to what is in the bills. As Nancy Peelosi once said about the pending Obamacare law, “We have to pass the law to find out what’s in it.” It’s how so many stupid laws get passed. Congresspeople should vote “nay” on any bill they aren’t given time to read.

I’VE GOT MINE”: “So I don’t want you to get yours.” That’s what multi-millionaire Mark Ruffalo is saying when he says, “Capitalism is killing us.” He is one of the beneficiaries of capitalism, which is how he GOT to be a multi-millionaire, but now he doesn’t want any others to benefit by it. The free market, which is called “capitalism” derisively by liberals, is the very reason so many people from all over the world have the US as their destination of choice. Some even to the extent of coming her illegally. People like Ruffalo hate that, because they think it “cramps their style.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Biden says “Lindsey Graham will be sorry for the rest of his life for investigating me.” Actually, I think the ones who will be sorry will be Biden and his criminal sons… They’re running a national poll asking if the NRA should be classified as a terror organization for standing up for the Second Amendment. Show me where the NRA ever killed anybody. Not where somebody killed somebody with an illegal gun, where the NRA itself killed somebody… Hillary says “Many, many people” are pressuring her to run again. Yeah. Bill, and her daughter maybe. And maybe a couple of ignorant Dumocrats. She’s like the monster in a horror film. You think she’s dead, and she shows up again…

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