Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"Mad Maxine" Waters Is Insane!

I call her “Mad Maxine”,for a good reason: ‘She’s INSANE. In many other countries, she would have long since been “done away with” because of her violent rhetoric aimed at the president. Even in this country she should be removed from office because she has proven herself to be subversive and should not be allowed to help make the laws we all must obey. Her latest crack could be seen by many as wishing somebody would “do away” with Trump, then “go after Pence.” We’re not talking about impeachment here, we’re talking about murder of the top two politicians in the nation.

THE LANGUAGE OF FORCE”: The Islamic terrorists are angry (are they ever NOT?). President Trump looked like he was as dumb as Obama when he scheduled “talks” with the Taliban in the United States giving them something like “officialdom.” They are too stupid to realize that he only scheduled those “talks” to show the world how stupid they are. And they cooperated nicely. Even though a little more murderously than hoped. They went out on the eve of those talks and murdered some more people, which gave him the reason he needed to tell them to “screw off.” And he did. He now has ‘political capital” to do things the liberals blocked until now. So the terrorists promise to do something they were going to do, anyway, and kill some more people.

CRIMINALS RUNNING “INVESTIGATIONS”: It pains me to see the political criminals in “the swamp” pretending to be the “bringer of justice” to President Trump, who has done nothing to merit impeachment. Meanwhile, most of the committee members who spend hours and days, months, and even years browbeating “witnesses” and violating their personal rights, threatening them with specious “charges” if they don’t “testify” to something, ANYTHING they can use to crap on the president. These “congressmen” need to “clean out their own closet” before accusing one of the few honorable men in DC.

WE’LL TAKE YOUR GUNS!” The watchwords for the Dumocrat Party are these: “Hell yes, we’ll take your guns!” That’s what “Beto” O’Rourke yelled when someone asked him a question about gun control. And Beto is not alone in that. Just about all the Dumocrat candidates feel the same way, never mind the Second Amendment prohibits it. But they don’t care about that. They figure they can find some way around the Second Amendment, like banning the only bullets the AR-15s or AK-47s can use, claiming that the second “doesn’t cover bullets.” Or taxing guns so much nobody but the rich will be able to afford one. They’ll do everything they can to get around the Second Amendment while, at the same time, working to repeal it.

EVERY DAY, IN EVERY WAY: Dumocrats give us more reasons NOT to vote for any of them. They all want to raise our taxes and give the proceeds to the drones of society, They want to disarm us all and make us defenseless against the millions of illegal guns already out there. Socialism is the “way of life” for them, and they want to impose it upon all of us so they can better fleece us all by law. They want to steal the result of the production of new wealth by those capable and willing to produce new wealth, and give it, unearned, to those who just want to live at the expense of others. And they want us to vote for them? I vote to dump them all in the gutter with the rest of the trash.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Joe Biden says, “We won’t be as polite this time.” Funny. I can’t remember when he or his people were ever “polite” at all. He always talks a big fight, but he’d better be careful who he threatens. He might get his butt beat. And probably will if he actually goes up against TrumpI don’t like today’s car designs at all. They seem to have eliminated the front bumper entirely. Why? Do they just want to make business better for the tow people? Seems like… The question is asked: “Is it racist to ask Elija Cummings to account for the $16 million dollars Trump gave Baltimore? Yes, if you’re a black Dumocrat, of course… It’s really funny. Trump is saying the very same things the Dumocrats were saying themselves about conditions in Baltimore, and the Dumocrats are giving him hell for it…

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