Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Anti-Gun Fables

“You should be willing to give up your constitutional right to be armed for self defense because the government can protect you.” ...NOT! This is a common lie told by the anti-gun fools, even though it cannot be proven to be true, and indeed has been proven, over and over again, to be false. They still tell this lie after it has been disproved many times over. They make law after law to limit the purchase and use of guns by law-abiding people, and they obey them. And get killed by those who just ignore those laws and get their guns illegally.

OH, HOW AWFUL! “Transgenders are ‘suffering’ because ‘straight guys’ won’t date them.” That’s jist orful! I can’t think of a single reason for a straight guy to date a transgender. It would be the same thing as dating another MAN. I’m sure there are enough gay men who will date them. They‘re always looking for people with their kind of plumbing to date. Nothing has changed, except that transgenders have “come out of the closet” with the help of the liberal media. Recognizing, and approving of thransgenderism has become a “thing” with the liberal media, along with allowing men who “identify” as women to enter women’s restrooms and changing rooms, and even compete against smaller, weaker women, thus ruining their sports and making a mockery of the events.

LEAD THE HORSE TO WATER…” Somebody needs to tell Oregon’s lefty governor that the cops are not her personal “enforcers.” They are bound by laws, and those laws do not allow them to arrest lawmakers and force them to vote for her fool global warming damned foolishness. And I guarantee you if they try it, and bring those lawmakers back to the capital at the point of a gun, she will have open warfare. She might be able to force them to vote, but not to vote the way she wants. And if I’m reading things right, she may be precipitating a shooting war between her and her elected legislators—over whom she is NOT the boss.

PAYING GANG MEMBERS: In Sacramento, California, they want to pay gang members to get out of the “gang life.” They really think that gang members will take their money and not continue to be gang members. The politicians supporting this farce need to be recalled, immediately for stupidity. You don’t pay a leopard to drop his spots. It’s not in his nature. And to think you can, reflects stupidity on your part. Stupidity that should be grounds for removal from any office that will allow you to set policy for others. Where we get these stupid politicians, I don’t know. But this is California, so political stupidity is rampant.

MEDIA BASHES TRUMP: This time it was for NOT attacking Iran. If he had attacked Iran, it would have bashed him for attacking Iran. They are every day poised to attack him for whatever he does—or whatever he doesn’t do. It doesn’t make any difference what he does, or doesn’t do, they bash him. If he just takes a day off and does nothing at all, they’ll bash him for that. Personally, I wouldn’t have been sad if he had blown away those installations that were responsible for shooting down our multi-million dollar drone for no reason, at all, even though I agree with him it would not have been “a proportional response” for shooting down an UNMANNED drone.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: MSNBC’s Chris Hayes claims that criticizing Ilian Omar for her ignorant 9/11 comments “endangers her life.” Truth is, SHE endangered her own life when she made such a stupid statement. All her critics did was call her on itHillary’s former press secretary during her failed presidential campaign is now drumming up support to stop Brett Kavanaugh from teaching at George Mason University. He says, “We can’t give him a platform to teach.” Naturally liberals don’t want a conservative to have a platform to teach things of which the numerous liberal professors don’t approve. So why do we give liberals a “platform from which to teach? We need to get rid of all biased teaching… Hillary’s Brian Fallon says, “Kavanaugh’s conformation doesn’t absolve him of guilt.” But you liberals weren’t able to prove ANY of your accusations, which is why he was confirmed…

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