Friday, March 29, 2019

Cashing In On Death

And they’re not even morticians! The New Zealand government made it a criminal offense, just to OWN a copy of the video their latest mass shooter made of his crime, so they could SELL copies for $102.00 (I assume while issuing something that makes owning one they bought, not a crime). Talk about “cashing in” on mass murder! It sure must be fun to be in the “government racket.” They figure out many ways to cash in on being the government. Now just in NZ, but everywhere. They make laws in such a way as to ENABLE making money, off the top of which they can skim, for themselves.

CHILDREN” AT AGE 18? That’s what a Florida Atlantic University (FAU) seems to think, anyway. I guess they couldn’t find enough real children affected by gunfire for their study, so they expanded their definition of “children” to include those up to 18 YO. I’d say including men who are members of street gangs and go about armed (illegally) shooting each other all the time, makes their figures look a lot worse than they really are. Most people, when they hear the word “children,” think of toddlers and other small people, not MEN AND WOMEN who are really ADULTS. This is how the anti-gun fools inflate their numbers, and is probably the BEST reason to doubt ALL their numbers.

IT IS AN INVASION! When are the “powers that be” going to realize that we are UNDER ATTACK by illegal liens, who are being USED by people who want to destroy our border defenses? Why else are there numerous thousands of people from south of our borders clamoring for entry—AT THE SAME TIME? Who organized this onslaught? It was not done without somebody working hard and spending a lot of money to organize it. And it was done under the FICTION that it was just some people wanting to better themselves and we should welcome them. We have at least slowed down this onslaught, but they are now planning on sending another 2,500 people—all together—to test our resolve.

DOING THEIR JOBS: The “Student Government” at Berkeley wants the cops who arrested two black students, suspended for doing their jobs. They think refusing to give up the Taser that was not allowed on campus, and actually fighting them was not something ANYBODY would be arrested for. They’re calling it “racial profiling” because the students were black. Would they call it the same if the students had happened to be white? I think not. Calling the arrests racism is simply a liberal scam they use everywhere to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

DEMOCRAT MASS DELUSION: Bob Mueller just Popped the Dumocrat bubble with his “long-awaited report” that found NO EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing (not just in the “Russian collusion scam, but everywhere). That’s after almost two years of lifting every rock and searching every crevice in his $30 million dollar witch hunt. Will Dumocrats finally admit they were wrong? Not a chance. Every Dumocrat spokesperson heard from says they will go right on looking. Some say they WILL impeach Trump, even though they have not a shred of any kind of evidence to support such a thing. Their mass delusion continues.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Jussie Smollett tried a poor attempt to damage President Trump (one of many false accusations), and now he’s “furious” that he’s been called on his lies. Poor baby Update: he gave Chicago $10,000.00 and claimed to have done some “public service” and they dropped trou… er, charges and let him goTalk about fake news! Today I read in one place that Jussie Smollett is being dropped from his show; and in another place, that his “job is safe.” Now which story do I believe? Neither. I’ll just wait and see what actually happens… California is a big and prosperous state. But that isn’t going to last much longer with the liberals running it down like they are. Already, intelligent people are leaving in droves because they’re tired of being lootedNancy Peelosi says future Dumocrat presidents could declare a national emergency and take all your guns away. But that could not happen as long as the Second Amendment is still around. Wake up to reality, Nancy…

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