Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ignoring the Good Things

The left is always on President Trump’s case. Everything he does, they criticize. Whenever he does something good, they ignore it because everything good he does hurts their cause, which is to gain, or regain power so they can better fleece the nation. Trump was responsible for the amazing turnaround in the economy. A turnaround that Obama told us we could never expect because he didn't know how to bring it back. The unemployment numbers are the lowest in many years, just since Trump became president. The millions of jobs lost under Obama that he told us would never come back, have come back. So have the manufacturing jobs Obama told us would never come back. Under Obama the gross national product never even approached 3%. Under Trump, it is now over 4%.

TRUMP KILLED OBAMACARE: Maybe he realized it, maybe he didn’t. But a federal judge knew, and found Obamacare to be unconstitutional. How did he do it? He removed the MANDATE to buy it, or pay a fine. Which removes it entirely from being a TAX. And since being a tax was Justice Roberts’ “excuse” for approving it, that makes it unconstitutional Whether or not that will cause Trump to actually KNOW it has become unconstitutional, or not, nobody knows. But know that it gives HIM an “excuse” to eliminate Obamacare, altogether. But the way things work in DC, I wonder if ANYTHING can get done. But I have faith in President Trump, because he tends to get things done.

PROF LEAVES FACEBOOK: He left it because too many “snowflakes” complained that he had made “an offensive post.” Poor babies! It must have been really hard on them to be forced to read something with which they did not agree. Maybe THEY should leave Facebook, and go to one of their “safe rooms” so they can cry without offending anybody. Just between you, and me, and the fencepost, who gives a DAMN if that professor posted something that offended some snowflakes? I write things that are GUARANTEED to offend liberal snowflakes, every day. And I don’t give a “tinker’s damn” if it offends them. They can’t hurt me. And if the truth hurts them, too bad.

WE’RE NOT RESPONSIBLE! For years, we (the taxpayers) have been “paying off” women who accuse Members of Congress of sexual perversions (mostly Dumocrats). The “Office of Compliance for Congress has paid $17 MILLION (so far) to women who have complained about the sexual misconduct of congresspeople out of a “slush fund” Congress set up, many years ago, for that purpose. To get them to “keep their mouths shut” about those charges. They have paid off women in 264 cases, mostly sexual violations. Yet many of those SAME POLITICIANS are “weeping and gnashing their teeth” over President Trump paying off a couple of women out of his own pocket (if it actually happened) before he became president. Double standard, anybody?

AIN’T NO SUCH THING!" Dumocrats tell you there is no such thing as voter fraud, amid all the evidence there IS voter fraud, and it is widespread, mostly in favor of Dumocrats. Recently, voter fraud in favor of a Republican was found, and they did a 180. Though they said it only happened with Republicans. But it DOES happen, and more often for Dumocrats. That’s a given, which gives rise to the fact that any election that is close, WILL go to the Dumocrat involved. They have a positive TALENT for “finding” votes in such cases. And the election monitors, who are mostly Dumocrats, allow it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A shocking number of Americans hate their country, according to reports. It’s not surprising, since the liberals in their schools and colleges have been steadily teaching them LIES about their country since forever… Apple’s CEO preaches about “conservative hate,” but can’t give us any examples of it, while all the “hate” has come from the liberal side, and plenty of examples abound… This is how they sell socialism. You Tube is now censoring all items critical of socialism so all people get to hear are the lies told to promote it by socialists… People keep thinking they can “beat this recession” by spending money. That ignores the unalterable fact that recessions are CREATED by the government printing money with nothing valuable behind it. That reduces (dilutes) the value of ALL money in circulation, CREATING the “wage/price spiral.” The wage/price spiral, often BLAMED for inflation, is only a SYMPTOM of inflation… Liberals will try and paint the story about a FedEx driver who killed a liberal harasser with one punch as “conservative violence,” completely ignoring the fact that the victim was the aggressor, and that punch was in retaliation for his attack…

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