Monday, November 19, 2018

The "Truth Committee"

The “Diversity and Inclusion Committee” (the PC Police) at Emporia State University (ESU) in Emporia, Kansas, wants to EXCLUDE a student official for using the term “illegal aliens” (a proper, descriptive term they want to eliminate from usage) on FACEBOOK. This, in a country where freedom of speech supposedly exists. It’s like that prophetic book, “1984,” where the “speech police,” called, “The Truth Squad” (I think. It's been a long time since I read that book) enforced the lies the government told, and getting caught by them meant a “re-education camp” where you were subjected to the very things that terrified you. They used a “head cage” on Winston, the hero of the book, with rats in it, because he was terrified of rats.

AVENATTI’S “DOUBLE THINK”: Michael Avenatti, that obstreperous “creepy lawyer” for Stormy Daniels in her attempt to be let out of the “non-disclosure agreement” she signed after getting more than $100,000.00, has been arrested for domestic assault. I don’t know if it is true, or not. But I see the contradiction there. He is an advocate for men to be “convicted” of sexual assault with NO PROOF, yet when HE gets in trouble, he insists on PROOF before conviction. I don’t know what Stormy wants, since she has violated that agreement in many ways, already, just with her suit. Even if her claims are true, what the hell difference does it make, after Bill Clinton beat impeachment over his sexual liaisons IN the Oval Office.

SOCIAL SECURITY PONZI SCHEME: For those of you who do not know what a “Ponzi Scheme” is, it is a well-used swindle scheme designed to separate people from their money. They take “contributions” from one group, promising a high return on their money, then they take “contributions” from another group, using that money to give the first group the promised “fair return” on their investment. Then they do the same thing, time after time, always using the money gained to give earlier “investors” a return on their money. When it gets to the point where more “new investors” are required than exist, it collapses. That’s the system on which Social Security is modeled, and collapse is near.

INFLATION IS GOVERNMENT THEFT: There is one cause of inflation: governments printing money with nothing valuable behind it. To do so reduces the value of every dollar now in circulation. It is PLANNED government THEFT. The government blames the “wage-price spiral” for it, but the wage-price spiral is only a SYMPTOM of inflation. When the dollar becomes worth less, people need to charge more for what they produce. That causes wages to rise so their employees can still keep up with rising prices. Then their employers need to raise what they pay to keep their employees. Ergo: inflation. The net gainer is government.. And I think they planned it that way.

HOW DEMOCRATS WIN ELECTIONS: By stuffing ballot boxes, getting Dumocrats elected or appointed as “election supervisor,” getting thousands of Republican votes thrown out while “finding” just as many Dumocrat votes, many of which are manufactured by Dumocrats. And if that fails, SUE. Claim voter suppression by Republicans while ignoring their own voter suppression. Keep on suing until they win. This is the way Dumocrats win many elections. They howled when Trump hinted that he would not accept the results of the 2016 election if there were irregularities, and then spent millions (of our money) refusing to accept the results of every election in which they are the losers.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: ABC anchor is amazed at how many people are rooting for Trump, “since he’s so unpopular.” Maybe if you talked to someone other than Dumocrat sycophants, you might find out he’s more popular than you knew… When Ocasio-Cortez (the famous socialist politician who knows nothing about socialism) was asked how she would pay for free medical care for all, she answered: “You just pay for it.” Which assumes money just “appears” out of nowhere. Damn! How stupid IS this bi… er, witch? And Dumocrats swear by her while human beings swear AT herCNN’s April Ryan says, “Trump targets me because I’m a black woman.” No April, he “targets you” because you LIE on television. This is how they expect to paint Trump as a racist. By making false claims against him. They do the same to meSamantha Bee defends Jim Acosta, saying, “We should be ashamed of Trump.” No, Samantha, we should be ashamed of Jim Acosta, and we (those of us with intelligence, anyway) are ashamed of this buffoon…

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