Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Gun Conrtol Litmus Test

Dumocrats are whining about Trump having a “gun control litmus test” for his new Supreme Court nominee, which is stupid. There needs to be no “litmus test” for Supreme Court Justices. The freedom of American citizens to be armed for self defense against all comers—INCLUDING the government, itself, is THE LAW. The Second Amendment to the Constitution, which is the FOUNDATION on which ALL our laws sits, MANDATES it. And ANY Justice that is named, MUST uphold it. That is not a “litmus test,” it is a matter of LAW.

LOW TURNOUT “PROBLEM”: Gun control fools are “lamenting” the low turnouts to most of their recent “events.” They can’t figure out WHY the turnouts are so low. It doesn’t seem to dawn on them that their entire “campaign” is something nobody wants, except for the few people they have convinced to support their efforts to pass UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS to do unconstitutional things. This in spite of very calculated organization and publicizing of their meetings, which are routinely supported by the liberal media. The liberal media works HARD to make it look like their turnouts are HUGE, while doing just the opposite when it comes to PRO-gun meetings, which accounts for the REAL low turnouts to their meetings, something that is “played up” in the liberal media.

SUSPICIONS CONFIRMED: Liberals INSTANTLY held gatherings the SAME NIGHT after Trump revealed his pick for the Supreme Court, and they had many professionally printed signs, already ready. Which tells me they were READY to oppose ANY pick he made. They probably had four different posters with ALL FOUR different names, one on each, just in case. They’re so transparent in their politics! And they don’t care if we know it. They know they have a certain number of fools who will vote for them in spite of that, and what we know just doesn’t count, to them.

SUSPICIONS CONFIRMED: Liberals INSTANTLY held gatherings the SAME NIGHT after Trump revealed his pick for the Supreme Court, and they had many professionally printed signs, already ready. Which tells me they were READY to oppose ANY pick he made. They probably had four different posters, each with one of the names on them, just in case. They’re so transparent in their underhanded politics! And they don’t care if we know it. They know they have a certain number of fools who will vote for them in spite of that, and what we know just doesn’t count, to them.

ANTI-GUNNERS FURIOUS: The anti-gunners are furious because Trump nominated Brett Cavanaugh to be a Supreme Court Justice. So the hell WHAT? Who gives a damn what the liberals (anti-gun fools) think? They prove their abysmal ignorance every day by the laws they pass and want to pass. Meryl Weiner, one of Shannon Watts’ girls, says Cavanaugh oughta be SHOT. Meanwhile, the NRA is asking all its six million members to “ramp up” their support for Cavanaugh, because he has been a PROVEN supporter of gun rights—as he should be, since gun ownership and use is constitutionally GUARANTEED.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: What liberals think they’re accomplishing by their attacks on, and harassment of anybody who supports, or works for Trump, I don’t know. All they’re doing is destroying their credibility… Jimmy Carter has proven his senility by saying, “I believe Jesus would approve of gay marriage.” That’s not what the BIBLE says, Jimmy. And you can’t change things, just by SAYING so… Looks like Hillary’s a “glutton for punishment.” Word is, she’s planning another run for president in 2020. She doesn’t know her “time is past.” somebody ought to tell her… Dumocrats are “gearing up” to oppose Trump’s next Supreme Court appointment, whoever it is. If FDR was still alive and Trump appointed him, they’d oppose that… Chicago has ALL the “tight gun laws” the anti-gun fools want to impose on us everywhere. Meanwhile, Chicago’s illegal gun holders have killed 1,400 people there. This year. What the hell GOOD are those laws? I don’t know…

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