Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Selective News "Reporting"

CNN made a big thing of USING frightened teenagers who survived the Florida school killings in Broward County Because they think that can feed their silly narrative to get rid of the Second Amendment, along with every LEGAL gun in this country. That this would leave the users of ILLEGAL guns still in possession of their guns to use to victimize the law-abiding doesn't seem to bother them. Meanwhile, they never hold a "forum" for the mothers and fathers of the victims of gang killings in Chicago, where the gun laws are so tight, and stop NO gun killings. I guess they aren't interested in promoting the TRUTH.

WE "PROMISE" PROTECTION: Liberals like to blame Trump, or the NRA for the mass shooting at that Florida school. Anything but the REAL reason. But the real blame belongs right in Obama's pocket, because he came up with the "Promise" Program that caused juvenile criminals to NOT be arrested for their "minor" crimes, Therefore, their names would NOT appear on the background check lists the "authorities" use to determine who will have the right to buy a gun. So people like the Florida killer would be able to easily pass such background checks and buy the guns they will use to kill a bunch of children LEGALLY, as Cruz did. Even after 39 visits by the cops, the MURDERS of many pets, and PUBLISHING, on his social media sites, his INTENTION to kill people.

TWO MAJOR "DEMOCRAT LIES" The first one is that Trump's tax reduction will increase the national debt. It will NOT. There has never been a time when a tax reduction increased the national debt. Another is that a tax reduction reduces the amount of the "tax take." It does NOT. There has never been a (non-targeted) tax reduction that has reduced the tax "take." when Reagan did it, the "tax tke" almost DOUBLED. When both Clinton and Bush did it, the "tax take " INCREASED because the tax reduction spurred economic activity and created more income, therefore increased "tax take."

WHY APPOINT MUELLER? The Dumocrats kept insisting on appointing a "Special Counsel" whose only job is to :"get" Trump. After the then FBI Director, James Comey, "leaked" information specifically to get one appointed, they appointed one (Mueller) whose "fingerprints" were on EVERY scandal that has ever appeared in the past, and has many "skeletons in his own closet." He couldn't deliver on his ONLY job, to "get" President Trump, so now he's "investigating" Trump's business practices from YEARS ago, long before he became a presidential candidate, and is busily "indicting" as many former Trump minor figures" (none of whom Trump even KNEW--except for his former campaign manager, whom he FIRED) for "process" crimes that were really very "small potatoes," except to those men, whom he ruined, both in their careers and finances, over really NOTHING.

WHY KEEP NANCY AROUND? Nancy Peelosi is like the "villain" in a horror movie. You think you've gotten rid of him, but he keeps "cropping back up" to kill again, when you didn't expect it. We thought we were "rid of" Peelosi when the Republicans took over the House, but the Dumocrats kept her as the MINORITY Leader, in spite of her practices COSTING them the 2016 election by her many mistakes. She keeps getting re-elected in that very liberal state (and city), California and San Francisco, so she can crop up, again and again, and stop everything she can that Trump does. Even being in the minority she remains a "thorn in the side" of America, with her IGNORANT statements, the worse being her crack about Obamacare, that, "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it." That's about the STUPIDEST comment I've ever heard from ANY politician, and that list is long, peopled by mostly Dumocrats.

THEY WON'T GIVE UP: Mueller was supposed to find SOMETHING to use in impeaching Trump, but, after more than a year of trying, he has come up with NOTHING to prove the "Russian Connection" with the Trump campaign, to help him win. Instead, evidence has arisen (no thanks to Mueller) that there WAS Russian influence in the election, but the "collusion" was with HILLARY. Of course, they don't pursue that evidence, because that would "take down" their favorite candidate, Hillary--and they can't have that. So the "fix" is still in, this time, to keep her out of prison. Why they keep being successful at that reflects the power of the "Swamp" in DC. Fortunately, that will soon be gone, thanks to Trump.

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