Thursday, January 18, 2018

Rush Is Right

As usual. He notes that while Bill Clinton was getting oral sex in the Oval Office anteroom, and screwing everything in skirts (and maybe even pants), somehow Ken Starr became a "sex pervert." That's only because the Clinton Lie Machine was so successful in demonizing him, to blunt the effect of his investigation, so he wouldn't be removed from office. It didn't stop him from being impeached, but knowing where all the bodies were buried (and maybe burying a few himself) came in handy in the Senate.

WHY DO THEY HATE TRUMP? Many uninformed people are asking, "Why do liberals hate Trump so much?" The answer is obvious to intelligent, informed people. He's "draining the swamp," as promised. And they fear for their own little fiefdoms because they ARE the swamp. Those who whine the loudest are the very people we need to get rid of. They don't think we know that, mostly because they live in their own little corner of the world, where they don't have to face opposing viewpoints, lest they be "triggered" by it, and only hear "news" that comes through the "filter" of the liberal news media, which is the only news they hear.

"JUST BLAME TRUMP": It doesn't matter what goes wrong, and whose mistake it was. Blame Trump. That's the "default action," any time something bad happens. At the same time, Trump is having more success WITHOUT the cooperation of Congress than ALL former presidents ever had in their first year in office, and the liberal media yawns. They just aren't interested. Trump gets no credit for the good things. Trump had nothing to do with the incompetence in Hawaii. Likely he didn't even know that their system was so flawed. But that doesn't matter to the liberal media. They blame him, anyway. Likely the same system was in place while Obama was president. But was he blamed? No. Not their "fair-haired boy." Their other "default" is, "nothing bad is ever to be said about Obama."

BBC: IS IT TRANSPHOBIC?" Is it transphobic not to date transgenders? What a STUPID question! If you like giving oral sex to a MAN, or getting screwed in the rear, why not date a transgender? There's nothing "phobic" about refusing to date a MAN in women's clothing. If you're gay, why not? If you're not gay, why? Liberals spend all their time trying to screw with our minds and bodies. Don't let them. In any case, "transphobic" is just another made-up word liberals promote to prevent criticism for a bunch or screwed up people. It's like the word. "Islamaphobic," which is designed to impute mental deficiency to ANYBODY criticizing Muslims, for any reason, true or not. They hope it effectively blunts all criticism.

"DON'T WANT WOMEN AROUND": Condoleeza Rice is right. The "#me too" movement if "uplifting," and takes away the stigma that has been attached to exposing sexual misconduct on the part of the men in their lives. She's also right when she says she's afraid men will decide maybe they don't WANT women around, and the female unemployment figures go through the roof. Meanwhile, women who want to date men might soon find dates hard to come by for the same reason. It just ain't worth it.

ONE MAN'S OPINION: Dumocrats are amazing. They still insist that Judge Roy Moore is a pedophile while, as with Trump, there isn't a single bit of real evidence he is. While countless Dumocrats are PROVABLE sexual perverts.... "Oprah could win!" That's what so-called "experts" are saying. What FOOLS they are! Oprah hasn't a chance in hell or winning the presidency and it would be a disaster if she did.... "National Review" editor Rich Lowery has been a "never Trumper" for a long time. But now, he says he thinks "Trump has done a lot for the country"....Antifa members say they're "against Fascism," but they can't DEFINE it. They don't even know what it IS....

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