Thursday, August 31, 2017

Damned Fool Drug Companies

The companies who make drugs that will keep the condemned from having pain while being executed are blocking the use of their drugs in the "cocktail" used to put condemned people to death. Why, I can't feature--unless it is the usual liberal aversion to executing murderers. But the people who ARE condemned to die usually have committed such crimes that they should not be allowed to breathe the same air as human beings. The particular one in this scenario killed TWO men 30 YEARS AGO, and his time has come. It should have come a long time ago.

PARDON FOR ARPAIO: President Trump has signed a full pardon for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio. So now he won't have to spend another million or so for an appeal. He can now go peacefully and quietly into retirement while enjoying his grandchildren. He won't have to be put into his own jail with the prisoners HE put there. The whole thing was political revenge, sponsored by Barack Obama, and should have never happened. But that part is now corrected. We can't correct the election atrocity paid for by Obama with taxpayer money, but at that age, he ought to be able to go home and relax, anyway.

INSANITY PREVAILS! Any politician who fosters gun laws that do nothing but make honest, law-abiding people defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there in the hands of the "bad guys" who use them to victimize people MUST be insane. They have to know their laws only get innocent people killed by making them "sitting ducks" to be victimized by the "bad guys" and their illegal guns, but they insist on continuing to make them, The very definition of insanity is "doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result."

MANY WRONG DIRECTIONS: As usual, anti-gun fools go off in many directions in their quest to disarm all Americans, never "tumbling" to the fact that the biggest bunch doing almost ALL the shooting is the street gangs. They talk about "steering their kids away from guns," as if that would help. The gangs RUN the streets, and it's very difficult for those kids to resist the efforts of the gangs to recruit them, or kill them. And with gang membership comes access to ILLEGAL guns. Stop a gang member, and you'll find a gun. That's a fact of life.

OBAMA PARDONED MANY SCUMBAGS: And nary a peep out of the liberal media, or the Dumocrats. Why then, are they so "disturbed" that he pardoned former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was politically railroaded by Barack Obama, because he insisted in doing his JOB when a judge told him not to. The answer is very simple: they APPROVED of Obama pardoning those scumbags, and they don't approve of him pardoning Arpaio. They were "dancing in the streets when the judge handed down his decision (without a jury) to convict Joe.

SHUT THE HELL UP! I'm getting really tired of it. That's what I want to shout every time lately when I hear the fool things liberals are "concerned" with, and the really STUPID things they say. Like the professor in Florida who said that the hurricane was "deserved" by Texans because so many of them voted for Trump. Like the weather was concerned with that election result. And "it showed them that Republicans didn't care bout them." What kind of reasoning people use to come up with such stupidity, I don't know, I'm sure it's LACK of reasoning, because they don't know HOW to reason. In any case, the guy got FIRED shortly after making that statement so nobody needs worry abut his stupidity.

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