Dumocrats are all ashiver about RUMORED
Russian connections to Trump in the election that made him president,
completely IGNORING the $35 million dollars' worth of stock in a
Russian company John Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager accepted
* (and didn't report, violating federal law) before he joined the White
House in 2014. Not a whiff of ANY talk about an “investigation”
into that. He's a DUMOCRAT, after all!
AMAZING STUPIDITY: The story about Trump getting two scoops of ice
cream while everybody else got one was really stupid, and we thought
they couldn't top it. But they have. Now they're all worried about
one of Trump's speech writers: Stephen Miller, who, as a writer at
the Duke University newspaper wrote that “Islamic terrorists have
declared a death sentence on every citizen in this country.” Which
is “almost” true, since it would exclude citizens who ARE
Muslims. How is writing TRUTH a bad thing? They HAVE declared a death
sentence on everybody in this country who does not “convert” to
their phony “religion.”
OF THE STUPID LEFT: Terry O'Neil, President oif the National
Organization iof Women (NOW) did an op-ed for Huffington Post, in
which she said, “Babies wouldn't die so often if we just aborted
them.” Translation: to keep babies from dying, just kill them
before they are born.” And she talks about abortion as a
“lifesaving measure.” Why are we worried about such STUPID
people? They can't even figure out that abortion IS death for
infants! It's amazing to me how such stupid people can even figure
out how to walk and chew gum at the same time.
THEIR IGNORANCE: Graduating students walked out on the Vice President
of the United States when he was the speaker at their graduation
ceremony, thus showing their complete IGNORANCE. They haven't been on
this Earth long enough to know anything, but, after four years of
listening to liberal professors, think they know it all, and people
like Mike Pence or Donald Trump know nothing. That's the problem with
ignorant people. They have no idea they ARE ignorant, and think
they're the only ones who know anything. It's interesting to note
that only 75 out of 3,100 attendees walked out, and their parents did
not. In fact, they BOOED the ones who did.
OUR KIDS NOW!” That's what a law they're tying to pass in Texas is
saying. If it passes, all Child Protective Services (CPS) has to do
is TAKE your children temporarily and you lose the right to decide
what medical procedures may be performed on them. That includes
vaccinations and even surgery. CPS is well known to be very
overzealous in how they operate, and commonly “take the children”
without cause and have to return them later—after they have forever
damaged them. But this law assumes they “know best.”
END FOR THEM: Both Iran and N. Korea are working HARD to make
missiles capable of striking American bases. Both of them think they
can challenge the might of the American military with their very few,
and MAYBE working missiles. What they won't admit to themselves is
that if they ever actually succeed in striking an American base, they
will have committed suicide. ONE such attack, by either of them, or
both, will result in the destruction of their countries. It's like a
flea crawling up an elephant's leg with rape on its mind. The flea
thinks he can commit an impossible act, but the elephant will sit on
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