In a speech to a bunch of Muslims, she promised to
prosecute any American who said ANYTHING against Muslims “that
edged toward violence.” Who makes that determination? Loretta, of
course! At least two former office holders are DARING her to arrest
them for what they say against Muslims. I join them. I will continue
to report on Muslim terrorist atrocities, and I DEFY her to prosecute
me. Loretta, stick it up your flue! Update: Now she says, "Forget I said that!"
ARE WE FRIGHTENED? The left keeps asking why we're “so frightened”
that we all want to have our own guns. We aren't “frightened.”
But common sense tells us we will NEED to have our own guns to defend
ourselves against the criminals, crazies, and the Islamic terrorists
Obama is importing by the hundreds of thousands. I notice that most
of the fools who make laws AGAINST us having guns are usually
surrounded by ARMED security. Such is the hypocritical nature of our
liberal politicians.
SPOKE TO THE NATION: And I'm sure nobody covered it except for
“comedy Central.”: (Stolen from “Shoe” comic strip) Because
most of what he said was laughable. The rest was a LIE. He makes a
“big thing” about this being a “new phase” in terrorism,
STILL without saying “Islamic terrorism.”The nearest he gets to
it is to say,” a TINY bunch of people using a 'perverted form' of
Islam are to blame." Which is a “pipe dream” he uses to DENY it
is a major threat that grew like a cancer “on his watch.” He's a
damfool, and we'll be well rid of him (if we ever are).
HOLT: “DEFINING MOMENT?” NBC's Lester Holt asks: “Will his
latest Oval Office speech be a 'defining moment' for Obama's
presidency?” I believe it may be just that. It will define, once
and for all, either his STUPIDITY, or his “solidarity” with
Islamic terrorism. If he is not a “fellow traveler” with Islamic
terrorism, he has to be the stupidest SOB on the planet, not to
realize what Islamic terrorism IS.
TRUMP: What he's calling for is to stop refusing to accept Muslim entry into
the United States, UNTIL the “authorities” figure out what's
going on! It's not about religion. It's about keeping a tight watch
on a specific group whose members have been wantonly killing
Americans, and others, the world over. The liberal media wants us to
think it's about their RELIGION. It's not. It's about Muslim
extremists KILLING people for not being their kind of Muslim, and
not being able to properly “vet” them.
THEFT: Ron Paul got in trouble with the liberal media for saying
“socialism IS theft.” IT IS! It is based on THEFT from those
capable and willing to produce new wealth, to GIVE to those who DO
NOT. Their own motto admits it: “FROM each according to his
ABILITY, and TO each according to his NEED.” Making NEED a DEMAND
upon the EARNINGS of people capable and willing to PRODUCE new wealth
for the benefit of those who don't, or WON'T. That's THEFT in
anybody's language.
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