One of his supporters said Obama was a Muslim (he
is), and he didn't correct him. Since when is Trump supposed to do
that? He doesn't KNOW whether or not Obama is a Muslim, Obama himself
once talked about his “Muslim faith” before George Stephanopolous
corrected his “Freudian slip” and he corrected himself to say,
“Christian faith." He shows, in all he does, that, if he's not a Muslim,
he is a Muslim sympathizer. And he is “waging a war against
Christians” in America. What could be plainer?
WING RACIST: To Hillary, any time you oppose her in any way, you're
either part of the right-wing conspiracy, or a racist—or both. She
can see no other reason for ANYBODY to oppose her, on anything, she's
so self-centered. She used that “right-wing conspiracy” excuse
when Bill couldn't keep it in his pants, and she's still using it,
today. But this time to mask her own shortcomings. And it's just as
phony now as it was, then.
SHUTDOWN IS THE GOAL”: That's what Peelosi says, anyway. Though I
can't see how she would know such a thing, even if it were so. But
shutting down the government, such as it is, is no big thing, unless
Obama picks and chooses just what to shut down, things guaranteed to
incense voters while keeping his own options open. Then we need to
blame the person really responsible—Obama, not the Republicans.
A FOLLOWER: Liberals are incensed that Donald Trump didn't “correct”
a man in his audience who said Obama IS a Muslim. Since when is it a
candidate's responsibility to “correct” supposedly erroneous statements by
supporters? Besides: Obama has shown, by his actions and words, that
he IS either a Muslim, or a Muslim sympathizer. And I mean Muslim
TERRORISTS, not just Muslims. Why on Earth should Trump follow the
“liberal line?”
HELPING OBAMA: The Fed is falsely keeping interest rates low to allow
Obama to lie, and say the economy is “growing.” They'll keep
interest rates low until Obama or any other Democrat leaves office,
then let “nature take it's course,” while blaming the Republicans
for it, falsely, of course. It's all part of his con game on the American
people. That's what the “Obama Show” has been from the day he
“crawled out from under his rock” to “elbow Hillary aside”
and take over the presidency, with the help of the “intelligentsia.”
Those who run things behind the scenes.
FOLLOWING THE LINE: Hillary has never seen the Planned Parenthood
videos showing their criminal acts, but she's standing up for them,
anyway, like a good little Democrat. One more reason to never elect
this submissive housewife who let her "cocksman" husband screw her over to ANY office, much less the “big one.”
She was recently challenged to actually WATCH the videos and
predictably made a snarky answer, without really answering.
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