Monday, August 31, 2020

ALL Lives Matter

I would be much more disposed to supporting the Black Lives Matter movement if they would stop denying the fact that ALL lives matter. Not allowing people to say “all lives matter” is simply racist. And they don’t even realize it. They’re not smart enough. By doing so they prove it is a racist thing. The BLM movement is a companion piece to ANTIFA, which is a Dumbocrat-created thing I won’t even call an organization. They allow violence, sponsored by the Dumbocrats, while giving them “plausible deniability.”

REALLY CRAPPY REPORTING: If anybody is wondering why CNN’s ratings are so insipid these days, they only have to watch the segment they ran recently telling us that “demonstrations” were “mostly peaceful” while behind him a rioter-set fire burned. That piece was reminiscent of Saddam Hussein’s PR man telling us that they had repulsed American troops while an American tank rolled by in the background. They just can’t (or won’t) admit the truth. People know it, and stay away because they know they’re being lied to.

WAIT FOR THE FACTS: One of the biggest reasons why there is so much “unrest” in this country today is that people react to what they’ve heard about a situation without waiting for the true facts to come out.. And when they do, they almost always contradict the original story. Like when one black man was shot seven times in the back. Word was he was unarmed and not fighting when shot, but it later turns out he had a knife and was threatening the cops who were trying to apprehend him for a crime he had committed. In many other cases also, the original story was proven false, AFTER people had lost their property, and some had been injured, even killed in response to a false narrative. If people would not “go off half-cocked,” the world would be a much safer place.

WHAT DO YOU GAIN? When a cop shoots a black man who was shooting at him and kills him, people then start a bloody riot in response. They hurt people, even kill them, start fires in buildings owned by people who are not involved in the event the whole thing is over. My question is, “How does this help you change things?” “What does this gain you? Rioting, destroying property belonging to others, hurting people, killing people, how does that help you ‘right a wrong?’ Why not find the people responsible and actually TALK to them? You might even find yourselves in agreement, once in a while instead of creating more violence.”

PELOSI: “BIDEN, DON’T DEBATE”: Nancy Peelosi thinks President trump “hasn’t comported himself in such a way as to DESERVE a debate with Joe Biden.” So Joe should not debate him. I’d be interested to hear what she thinks he has done to “not deserve to debate his opponent” in this election. I suspect her every “reason” boils down to political differences between her and Trump. To my mind, he has NOT done anything to make him not “deserve” a debate with his opponent. But then, I believe in TRUTH, not political posturing.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Actress and millionaire Jamie Lee Curtis is really stupid if she thinks we’ll believe her lie about seeing the driver of a mail truck being stolen wearing a red hat “with white letters,” intimating that a Trump supporter was stealing that mail truck. How stupid that is! Even liberals are taking her to task for this description—again with NO PROOF, and backed ONLY by her unsupported word. As usual… The Dumbocrats are still criticizing Trump’s handling of the recession that was caused by the country’s “shutdown” to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, completely ignoring the fact that the economy has regained ALL it lost to fight the virus—while the virus is still killing people, mostly in Dumbocrat-run places… “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Somebody ought to tell that to New York Gov. Cuomo, who is still saying (wrongly) that Trump mishandled the Coronavirus, since thousands of people DIED as a result of HIS (Cuomo's) “order” to put virus patients in “old folk’s homes”…


Friday, August 28, 2020

Trump Failed America?

The Dumbocrats are planning “counter programming” during the RNC Convention, every night running ads telling he country that President Trump has “failed the American people.” One little problem: Trump HASN’T “failed the American people.” He has done exactly what he said he’d do—drain the swamp. And that scares the daylights out of the Dumbocrats because they ARE “the swamp.And while he was at it, he brought back the millions of jobs Obama said were “lost forever,” and made America “oil independent” at the same time. And he has done many other things the liberals are careful to hide from the American people so we’ll believe their lies.

NANCY: “NO DEBATES”: Nancy Peelosi is apparently frightened at what will happen when (IF) Joe Biden debates President Trump. And with good reason. Joe is teetering on complete breakdown. The evidence is right out there, and is reflected in his many gaffes. Trump will bring truth to the exchange—something Joe just isn’t used to, and will probably cause him to go into spasms that will officially END his campaign to become president—something Nancy doesn’t want to see happen because he is her only hope for Dumbocrats to regain the power their incompetence lost them in 2016. He was a poor choice, but she’s got so much time and (taxpayer) money invested in him, she can’t afford to lose him at this point.

PURE DAMNED STUPIDITY: Anybody who really wants to “abolish the cops” because a few of them exceeded their authority while attempting to enforce the law is STUPID! When a baby dirties his diapers, you change the DIAPER, not the baby. When you bathe a baby, you remove the baby from the bath water BEFORE you throw it away. When a “bad cop” does something stupid, you get rid of THAT COP, not the whole police department, and especially not the very concept of policing. Yes, some cops exceed their authority. They sometimes even KILL somebody when they do. But that’s no excuse for doing away with the main defense we have against people who would victimize all of us, but for this “thin blue line.”

VIOLENCE IS NO ANSWER: If what I saw on that video of that Wisconsin man being shot (in the back) by the police as he was trying to get in his car and runaway was all there was to it, that shooting was a despicable act of cowardice on the part of those cops, and should be punished, severely. He was not presenting the possibility of violence against those cops, and shooting him was out of the question. But after it “went down,” for people to go out and burn down the nearest auto supply store and its millions of dollars in inventory (for example), that was owned by innocent people who had their lives invested, and had nothing to do with that shooting, is WRONG.

A RECIPE FOR FAILURE: A small-time store in Georgia has decided to make customers make an appointment to come in and buy something from them. That appointment must be accompanied by a $20.00 deposit (to make sure his employees aren’t wasting their time), and appointments are only available to “people of color.” No white people, period. Arrangements can be be made for them, but require much more discussion—and who knows what kind of concessions. It’s a purely racist arrangement, and their customers (white and those “of color” should stay away from this cocky bunch of fools who think they are important enough to demand such things of their customers.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Some people are saying we should quit complaining about the sexual misconduct charges in the Elen DeGeneris Show. That it might make her quit her show. So what? That’d be no great loss… The BLM mobs ARE “domestic terrorists.” How long will it take and how many innocent people will be beaten by them on the street while the cops watch before they are declared so? It needs to be done, NOW… A Muslim racist (a repetition, that?) spits in a mother’s face and declares that “Whites shouldn’t breed.” No, fool! It’s Muslim extremists like you who shouldn’t breed. You are a cancer on the EarthNancy Peelosi screams that “Everything I do is for the children!” How does her support for abortion “help the children?” I don’t think so. Lying, as usual… Liberal fools want you to believe that trans “women” ARE women. They’re NOT. They’re MEN who THINK they’re woman. That’s a scientifically correct FACT…


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Racism: Big Business

Fear of racism is definitely “big business.” It even found its way onto a Formula One race car, way over there, in Spain. It’s foremost in the minds of every Dumbocrat politician there is—because they blame everything on it, whether it has anything to do with the problem, or not. To them, racism is rampant in this country—and it is, but not the kind they are pushing. It is the manufactured racism against WHITES they are pushing. It is the fastest-growing kind of racism there is in this country, because liberals are pushing it for all it’s worth. Every time they mention “white privilege” it’s like previous racists against black people talking about “keeping blacks in their place.” They want to make white people the “oppressed minority” in this country, and they are succeeding.

RIOTS COME TO DENVER: Well, major riots have come to Denver. Fortunately, this Dumbocrat mayor has some gonads. His cops came out and put them down. But these riots are part of a nationwide campaign that is financed by somebody. they need to be identified absolutely and charged with fomenting riots. I think it's George Soros, in one way or another. But these people rarely live where they riot. They come from somewhere else. Who pays the bus or plane fare to move them around the country? Who pays the rent on the places they sleep? Why buys the food they eat? Who pays them to participate? Who pays the fare to get them back home? Who pays their fines when they get arrested, as they did in Denver?

FOID CARD UNCONSTITUTIONAL: In the State if Illinois they have the FOID card. Which is the government’s “permission” for you to own a firearm. It is a law that “infringes” upon Illinois residents’ right to bear arms. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (the law of the land) clearly states: [T]he right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” A free person does not ask PERMISSION to exercise a constitutional right. They attached a reference to a “well-regulated militia,” which included ALL THE PEOPLE because they thought they might have to call them up in the event of war and, not being as “flush with money” as they now are, expected them to bring their own guns.

TIT FOR TAT: “Demonstrators” (rioters) get all bent out of shape when police use their batons and tear gas in retaliation for their attacks on the cops, using rocks and bottles, their own batons, and whatever they can get their hands on. Many times, the weapons arrive on the scene before the “demonstrators” do, and are “handed out” to them so they can more effectively “beat the hell out of the cops.” Then when the cops bring out weapons equal to theirs, they go whining to the press—which immediately “takes up the cry” of “police brutality.” Nothing is said about “rioter brutality” upon police. For my part, any time a “demonstrator” uses a weapon to attack the cops, they’re “on their own” when the cops retaliate, in kind.

IT DOESN’T MATTER: In today’s world, ANY TIME a cop shoots a perpetrator, whether or not it is a “good shoot,” the mobs want that cop’s head, on a platter. If the guy had an AR-15, blazing away at the cops, they still want to have the cop “strung up” on the spot because “Black Lives Matter.” People “come out of the woodwork and AMBUSH cops, killing them, just because they’re wearing that distinctive uniform, driving that distinctive car. “They’re cops, so they’re fair game” for the criminals who have always wanted to kill cops, but until now never had the nerve. But those BLM fools have GIVEN them the nerve. They go out, with their illegal guns, and shoot any cop they see—and whine and moan when the cops shoot back.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Camel” Harris wants to ban fracking, even though it has made us oil independent in the world, and even an oil exporter… Dream on, BLM: the BLM fools not only think their looting is “reparations,” they also think by being black they have an ownership share in other people’s property, and their money. That’s a Damned fool notion, and part of the racism against whites they are trying to CREATE. And they really think we’re stupid enough to buy their BS… This came from Daniel J, Mitchell: “It’s easy to be a communist in a free country, but try being free in a communist country”… It amazes me how stupid liberal Dumbocrats are. They think, just because they say it, we’ll believe it. Now an Iowa state prof says Trump is a Klansman—as usual, without any sort of proof, because there isn’t any. We don’t believe their unsupported lies. That’s why Trump got elected, and why he’ll be re-elected…


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Damned Fool ANTIFA

Some ANTIFA boys thought they’d go to Sturgis and confront some bikers. BAD idea! They got there and immediately commenced making trouble. Now bikers are mostly just nice people who want to be left alone. Leave them alone and you’ll have no trouble with them. In fact, they’re quick to offer help if you need it. But screw with them and it’ll take a while to identify the body—if, indeed, you ever find it. So when an ANTIFA slug knocked over one of their bikes, all hell broke loose, and this cop-hating bunch needed the cops to protect them. They needed a police escort to protect them and get them out of town with all their hair. You don’t tug on Superman’s cape. And you don’t knock over a biker’s pride and joy. They found that out, very quickly.

EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES: That’s what’s happening every time an ill-informed, incompetent anti-gun fool insists on getting a useless, unenforceable anti-gun law passed. People have to know his laws are useless, but they don’t tell him. Or he just doesn’t listen. It’s a big waste of time and money because not a single one of those ubiquitous anti-gun laws has EVER done a thing to “reduce gun violence,” as they claim they will. Instead, they INCREASE gun violence by disarming honest, law-abiding people, making them “easy targets” for criminals, with their ILLEGALLY-obtained guns. Criminals do not obey laws. that’s a given. So why do the anti-gun fools think they’ll magically obey the silly laws they make?

TRUMP IS NOT LOST: Liberals keep trying to convince the voters that Trump is NOT “doing the job” of being president. Every day some Dumbocrat fool goes on TV and says he is “just lost” in that job. That he goes “wandering the halls” of the White House muttering to himself and talking to the paintings of past presidents on the walls. Or sits, for hours, watching Fox News. As if that were not a profitable endeavor if he did, rather than attend to matters of state, as he should be doing. But then, reality intervenes, as he makes profitable (for America) deals, right and left, “mending fences” Obama broke, and doing everything he promised us he’d do if he was elected.

WHY IS SOCIALISM POPULAR? At one time, being “exposed” as a socialist was a “death knell” for a politician. Now they openly TOUT their not only approval of socialism, they scream it from the rooftops. And nobody bats an eye. Especially the “young folks.” Why is that? Why has the “stigma” of socialism gone away? First of all, the “young folks” are too ignorant of the facts regarding socialism, and all forms of collectivism not having been taught the truth about it, and are operating under that ignorance, listening to the “swan song” of socialism that tells them they can get “goodies” for free. Nobody tells them that SOMEBODY has to pay for those “freebies.” And if they become workers and producers of new wealth, that somebody will be them. Socialism is a system based on theft. Money taken from the producers of new wealth, and given to those unable, or unwilling to work for a living.

LIGHTFOOT’S AFRAID: Chicago Mayor Lightbrain is frightened of the “demonstrators” who ar running rampant in Chicago, so she has assigned 100 cops to sit on their thumbs outside her house to protect her. She can do that, you know. She’s the mayor. You can’t. You’re not a highly paid politician running a town into the ground like she is. You aren’t allowed to have guns to use in defending yourself, like she is (all her cops are armed). She doesn’t see the contradiction in that—or if she does, she ignores it, in her zeal to self protection. I’ve always wondered about those anti-gun politicians who run around behind a bunch of ARMED “security” while denying us even the right to have our own guns for “security.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I turned on CNN the other day because this hospital’s cable doesn’t carry Fox News. But in the first minute, I heard so many lies coming out of Don Lemon’s mouth, I had to turn it off to avoid barfing. They are SO obvious in their biasThey’re really getting desperate to get rid of Trump before he uncovers their crimes. Now an Obama lackey wants a civil war to remove Trump, even though Trump has done nothing bad… Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg is working herself to an early death, just to deny president Trump another appointment. And it ain’t gonna work… Hillary wants a job. She has told Biden that, if he gets elected, he would “help out” any way she can.” A blatant plea for another cushy job for which she’s not qualified…


ABOLISH THE COPS? Not a gawddamned chance! If you get rid of the police, you then have criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists “running wild” with nobody to get in their way. Abolishing the cops will mean DEATH to a lot of people, some of them the very people who helped abolish the cops. If somebody comes at you with a gun, you should be able to have your own gun with which to defend yourself. The cops are your gun, although they aren’t as good at it as you are with your own gun in hand. But with the stupid anti-gun laws preventing you from having your own gun, they’re all you have—when they can get there in time.

PROGESSIVE EQUALS SOCIALISM: The Dumbocrats invented the word as applied to themselves, to fool you into believing it’s something new. But it’s something very old—socialism. Which is but one version of a very old system based on THEFT of the fruits of production for the benefit of those neither willing, nor able to produce anything. It’s one guy pushing the wagon while everybody else rides, willing to let him exhaust himself to provide for them. Socialism is just one form of collectivism, which depends on someone earning for himself so they can TAKE part of those earnings and give them, UNEARNED, to those who will not work to provide for themselves. They sell it by emphasizing providing for the people who don’t want to work for a living, while ignoring the fact that SOMEBODY has to “pick up the bill.”

MINE, BUT NOT YOURS”: Chicago Mayor Lightbrain is concerned for the safety—of herself and her family, from the rioters she calls “peaceful demonstrators. So, in spite of the shortage of cops left in her city, she has assigned 100 cops to surround her house and arrest anybody who will not go away. But has there been anything done to provide protection for Chicago residents outside of what the cops that are left can do to protect them? Not even! That isn’t important to her—not as important, it seems, as her own safety, and that of her family, from conditions that have been CREATED by her incompetent actions and policies. I guess “some animals are better than others.”

UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT? Dumbocrats are constantly saying that President Trump is “unfit to be president.” Yet they can’t come up with a viable reason WHY he is NOT, nor how they will make things better. That’s because they don’t know HOW to “make things better,” or in just what way Trump is NOT “fit to be president.” Biden screams at one of his sparsely-attended “rallies,” “we will overcome!” That sounded good when black people said it in support of the Equal Rights Amendment, but here, it means NOTHING. Because there’s nothing to overcome except the excellence of the Trump administration and the good work he has been doing. Get used to it, Joe! There’s nothing TO “overcome!

BANNING LEGAL GUNS: What the hell are they THINKING? When faced with the danger from a criminal with his ILLEGAL gun, you don’t take away a LEGAL gun. But that’s what those stupid anti-gun fools DO. Whenever somebody uses an ILLEGAL gun to victimize others, they “come out of the woodwork” and insist on making more and more useless, unenforceable anti-(legal) gun laws that do nothing except make honest, law-abiding people defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there. And when somebody legally carrying a gun stops a mass shooting, such as happened in a Texas church not too long ago, they immediately try and make that never happens again by banning that hero’s LEGAL gun. It’s like they WANT people to die at the hands of ILLEGAL gun users.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: That stupid black thug who murdered a five-year-old boy for riding on his lawn won’t be in prison long. He’ll soon be going out in a casket. Even the worst of crooks hate somebody who would hurt a child… MSNBC Says “Camel” Harris, as VP, could impeach Trump’s justices. They forget, there has to be some sort of crime involved for them to be impeached. They’re dreaming, again… Biden and his partner in crime refuse to answer press questions for the third day in a row. Really, Joe—is that any way to make the media like you? I guess you know “the fix is in” and they’ll like you, no matter what silly things you do… ad Max(ine) Waters is stupid. She thinks the25th Amendment can be used to “get rid of Trump” without any proof of any wrongdoing on his part. If that could be done, no president would ever get to serve out his term because some fool would do it…


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Cuomo Blames Trump

He blames President Trump for the increase in crime in NYC, completely ignoring the stupid policies he and DiBlasio have set in motion that are responsible. They are releasing violent prisoners, “willy-nilly,” while cutting $100,000.00 from the NYC police budget, guaranteeing they will be less able to do their job—and they blame President Trump. One rapist who was released from jail because of the virus immediately went out and MURDERED his accuser, as soon as he got out. Hundreds of good cops have “put in their papers” because they don’t want to be the “visible targets” while goofy politicians let the people they arrest out of jail to commit more crimes.

TO COMBAT GUN VIOLENCE”: That’s what Philadelphia Police are promising as a result of their “Home-Gun Check Campaign,” just announced. Actually, it’s them searching homes without a warrant, completely illegal. And I wonder how they figure confiscating guns from LEGAL owners will accomplish “combating gun violence” when ALL the “gun violence is committed by people who get their guns ILLEGALLY, and never stand for a background check—as if that would do any good, either. I think Philadelphia citizens should refuse to let them in. They have no legal right to force their way in. No more than the right to confiscate legally-owned guns. This is a typical Dumbocrat overreach and a violation of several of our constitutional rights.

A LITTLE TOO FAR: An Iowa professor told one of her classes that if they didn’t support Black Lives Matter, abortion, and gay marriage, they were dismissed. Obviously, that was against university rules, and when they got wind of it, they reversed it, gave the professor a needed education about the Constitution and the First Amendment. She’s probably anti-gun, too. So they ought to also discuss the Second with her. They didn’t fire her, but they made sure she knew the rules. She really thought she could enforce that. And these are the people teaching our impressionable youth.

ANOTHER BASELESS ACCUSATION: Beto O’Rourke, failed Dumbocrat presidential candidate, says “Trump is more racist than presidents who owned slaves.” Naturally, he made this accusation without providing evidence, because there ISN’T any. As usual. Dumbocrats are fond of LYING about President Trump, because he is actually “draining the swamp,” as promised, and they’re afraid he’ll uncover their own personal corruption. They’re just nor used to a politician actually DOING what he says he’ll do, as Trump is doing. And they’re scared o death. There will be suicides in the Dumbocrat Party when Trump wins the election to stay in power for another four years.

SHOULDA THOUGHTA THAT: Many of the rioters/protesters out there today don’t get arrested because incompetent liberal politicians so decree. Some even say, “Let them express themselves.” Others go to jail, only to be released, “because of the virus.” Others, however, are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and that takes a real toll on their lives. I remember a guy I worked with who was one of those “demonstrators” a few years ago. He lost paid work time to go out and protest—something. Then he was fined $1,000.00. And do you think the organizers of his “demonstration” paid that fine for him? Not a chance. And the “record” this arrest generated had to have had an effect on his future job prospects, ability to find a place to live, etc. That will remain with him as long as he lives.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The old aren’t even safe from those BLM fools. They were trashing a police station in Portland when this old lady got in their way. So they poured paint all over her. These are sickening fools who ought to ALL be in prison for a long time… Damned fool BLMers shout for people to “give up you homes! Give them back to black people! I got news for these fools. Black people never owned any part of those homes, which were bought with money EARNED from the hard labor of their owners. Black people have no investment in these properties and thus no ownershipBLMers must have vivid imaginations. They think stealing is “reparations” and that they should have an ownership stake in property they never contributed a dime to pay for… CNN’s Brian Selter is an absolute fool if he thinks anybody not brainwashed by liberals will believe him when he says, “There is no media out there designed to tear down Trump.” The entire media is out to tear down Trump! With the possible exception of Fox News…


Friday, August 21, 2020

"Wrong Trump"

The left wingers have no shame. The minute Robert Trump died, bringing much sorrow to Donald Trump, they immediately started a thread on Twitter saying, “Wrong Trump, God.” As if God agreed with their politics. I’ve seen some petty politics in my 83 years, but this is the worst it’s ever been. Even if I was a Dumbocrat, I wouldn’t vote for somebody that would do such a thing. It’s not politics, it’s pure hatred, “whomped up” by the Dumbocrats. It’s not nice to wish death on your political opponent. Debate them, yes. Argue the points with them. That’s normal discourse. But wish them dead? That’s the mark of extremism. And stupidity. My younger brother died nor so long ago, so I know what Trump is going through. And to have fools say something like this raises a “killing instinct” in me.

DON’T ALLOW THE TREATY: The UN is trying hard to take control of all the guns in America with their subversive “Small Arms Treaty” now in the Senate. Strangely, a treaty like tis can bypass the constitutional restrictions on making ANY law then interferes with our human right to self defense, and to own and use the means to that, a gun. That means that if the Congress ratifies the treaty, every damned fool anti-gun law made can be enforced by the UN—and it doesn’t need the president’s signature. It will destroy the Second Amendment. We need a vote in the Congress to send it to the White House, where President Trump has promised to kill it. Write your congressman and give him or her hell until they do it. Don’t let the lefties intimidate you.

WHAT THEY WILL DO;” As usual, the Dumbocrats are accusing President Trump of the very thing THEY are doing. Trying to STEAL an election. Hillary and her cronies tried hard to steal the 2016 election and failed. Trump was just too smart for them. So she was “sent packing” as she should have been. But she’s worked hard again to remain in the pubic eye by making the most atrocious accusations against Trump, without any kind of proof offered, since none exists. This one is just the latest lie. We need to send this pest packing for good. She’s even angling for a job with Biden on the slim chance he gets elected. Covering her bets.

RACISM DOES EXIST: Racism does, indeed, exist in this country in great mounts. But not the white vs. black racism the liberals want us to think is rampant. That had largely gone away, until our first black president began pushing it. The racism that is being CREATED by the liberal Dumbocrats is black against white racism, intending to make the white race into second class citizens. Their favorite term, “white privilege,” is akin to the use of the “N-word” against blacks. It is a code word of accusation against whites. There is no such thing as “white privilege.” It’s all in their imagination.

BLM: THUGS GONE WILD: Those stupid Black Lives Matter fools are not “demonstrators,” they’re just thugs out to rob their victims and assault them. In one case in Oregon, they chased down a man in a pickup truck and forced him to crash into a tree. Then they beat him unmercifully, and one goon actually wearing a “security vest” kicked him in the head from behind, knocking him out. Thy CLAIM he “tried to run people down,” but video evidence puts the LIE to that claim. While some thugs were beating him up, others were rifling through his truck, claiming they were “looking for guns.” What they wanted to do with them if they found any frightens me.

THIS IS GUN CONTROL: In NYC, one of the tightest-controlled gun control cities in the country, users of ILLEGAL guns shot 49 people in 72 hours recently. That’s a FIVE TIME INCREASE over last year, when only (“ONLY”) eight people were shot, also with illegal guns. Of course, the anti-gun fools “came out of the woodwork,” demanding they make more of their useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that can only apply to the law-abiding, who DO obey laws, and NOT to the law-breakers, who do NOT. I just cannot figure out what makes these fools tick. They have to KNOW their laws don’t work, but they keep insisting on more and more of them.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A couple of retired military idiots want Trump to be forcibly removed from the presidency. They forget there are laws on how to remove a president, and they tried impeachment, already, and failed-- because there is NO REASON why Trump should removed, or don’t they know that? I think they’re just a couple of lonely old men who think the military CAN remove a president without a revolution first… The question is: Should Trump make it a crime to burn the American flag? My answer is a resounding YES! It should have ALWAYS been a crime. To burn the flag of your country is to admit to being a traitor and should be punished, in some way, at least… Business as usual: Hillary is pushing the idea of a Trump conspiracy, but she cites no evidence, as usual—because there is none…
