Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Scamming the Public Again

Obama is talking as if the Republicans want to “raise taxes” in Christmas season when what they want to do is stop OTHER things that are in that bill he is pushing that HAPPENS to reduce the money taken from people’s paycheck, but does nothing to reduce the taxes they’re paying. In fact, it may make things worse when time comes to “pay up” on April 15th. Not only that, his extension of the payments to the unemployed is simply a BANDAID to temporarily reduce the effect of his UNEMPLOYMENT problem without doing ANYTHING to solve the problem. And it IS “his” unemployment problem. The time for it to be blamed on Bush is long past, if it ever was.

POLITICIANS INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE: They do it every day. Obama promises me he’ll give me $2,500 if I’ll commit to spend $50,000 to hire a new employee I don’t need. Hillary praises al-Jazeera as a “superior news agency” to what we have in this country. I’ll admit we don’t have much in the way of competent news reporting, but al-Jazeera? The “mouthpiece” of the Islamic terrorists? C’mawn! What kind of hash has she been smoking? There are numerous other instances I could cite, but I won’t.

A FAILURE IN INTELLIGENCE: “Ye shall be known by the company you keep.” That’s a well-known saying, and it’s true. Obama has surrounded himself with known socialists, communists, home-grown terrorists, corrupt politicians and the like. Yet Americans may be in danger of falling for his bullsh-t again. I sure hope not. I may not live to see the end of a second Obama administration, and I’d dearly hate to die with him still in office, still screwing up this country.

“CAN’T HIRE”: A Georgia company is putting signs on all its trucks saying “We won’t hire anybody until Obama is gone.” But a sign reflecting reality would say “We CAN’T hire anybody until Obama’s gone.” The truth is, Obama has done everything he can to INHIBIT hiring so as to destroy the American economy and blame it on the free market. Then he can work harder to instill SOCIALSM as the economic model in this country, which has been his aim, all along.

SUCKED NATO RIGHT IN: NATO should be more careful to whom they listen. Looks like the terrorists “sucked them right in” and caused them to kill a bunch of Afghan soldiers instead of the terrorists they thought they were killing. That sounds like a failure of intelligence to me, not purposeful targeting by NATO. What better way to reduce the effectiveness of NATO than to con them into killing the wrong people?

ATF: WE WON’T PUNISH WHISTLEBLOWERS: But they did. Everybody who complained about the guns being sold to the Mexican drug cartels has suffered from “punitive action” while the men who were “in charge” during “Fast & Furious” have been kept in place or promoted. They claim they weren’t “promoted,” but were simply transferred. Not so. Each of them who were transferred got a pay raise and/or a better job with the “transfer” while the “whistleblowers” were “transferred” to the equivalent of Siberian posts and their pay lowered.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Liberal Bigoted Lie

The absolute proof that shows the bigoted lie liberals are pushing when they accuse the “Tea Parties” of being racist is Herman Cain winning the Florida Straw Poll. No longer can the Obama forces say the “Tea Parties” are racist (but that won’t stop them from lying). The Tea Parties now have their own black candidate and without a word about voting for him BECAUSE he’s black.

NO AWARDS FOR CONSERVATIVES: Justin Timberlake is being “honored” for his “environmental efforts.” Conservatives don’t get such awards because we don’t care about such things as “awards.” We just “do our thing” and if we get an award for it (we usually don’t), okay. Most “awards” are given out by liberal organizations for liberal reasons, such as AlGore’s “global warming” (now called “climate change” to confuse us) swindle, from which he has made $MILLIONS; maybe even $BILLIONS.

TAXING THE RICH: That’s the most idiotic plan going, but I expect stupid plans from liberals. It’s common for them to wish to eliminate and harass those whose work and ideas are ESSENTIAL to our nation’s continuation as the richest nation in the world; the destination of choice for people who want to better themselves. So much so they come here illegally because we make it so hard to do so legally. Taking money away from the very people who create ALL the jobs. Their policies are ALL idiotic because their ideology is that of a FOOL.

REGULATING SHOWER NOZZLES: Only liberals would do such a stupid thing. Supposedly to “conserve water,” which is NOT in short supply. You cannot destroy water. You can only cause it to evaporate, only to reappear somewhere else. This is the kind of stupid thing liberals do, and will lead to more water being used in longer showers or people being dirtier than before.

THOUSANDS OF SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILES MISSING: I’d be surprised if this globe survives another 100 years because we are so dilatory in keeping control of our weapons. One day we will lose any number of nuclear weapons to the Islamic terrorists and they will set them off to kill as many “non-believers” in and out of Islam as they can. What will happen is they kill the entire population of the world, including themselves. Good riddance to them, but not to us.

EVERYBODY KNOWS MORE ABOUT CAPITALISM: Harvey Golub, former CEO of AMEX, says, “My grandson knows more about capitalism than Obama.” Hell, EVERYBODY knows more about capitalism than Obama! We properly call it “the free market,” not that derisive term, “capitalism.” It’s common for liberals and other socialists to be ignorant of what the free market IS. That’s why they hate it.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Obama's Retaliation

This is how Obama operates; Ohio voted to “opt out” of Obama’s health care swindle, so he shut down their shale oil business, costing this country 200,000 jobs, in retaliation. This man is DANGEROUS! We need to get rid of him at the first opportunity, without fail!

“PARTISAN BICKERING”: Why is it always “partisan bickering” when Republicans so it, but when Democrats do it, it becomes “sticking to their principles?” Why don’t Democrats recognize that Republicans have basic principles? Never mind. I know the answer.

IT’S THEIR JOB, STUPID! The Founders constructed the Congress so both sides of every issue could be “discussed” and, if possible, agreement reached. It’s not “partisan bickering” when Republicans stick to their principles and refuse to “knuckle under” to Democrats.

ISN’T $7,500 A MONTH ENOUGH? A retired teacher was heard to say at an “Occupy (Whatever)” meeting, that it would take the overthrow of the government to attain the goals (whatever they are) OWS has set for itself. Why? Isn’t it enough this teacher makes more in RETIREMENT than most of us EVER have?

KILLING KHADDAFFI: The left is giving us a hard time for killing Khaddaffi. His family wants to sue. What if all of his victims sued his family? There isn’t enough court time available to hear all those cases. Gimme a break! Some people (like Khaddaffi) don’t deserve to BE alive.

“HATE CRIMES”: Liberals always want to call things they disagree with “hate crimes” when they aren’t. Bob Beckel, on “The Five” (Turkeys) wants to call it a “hate crime” when an employer declines to hire somebody who has been unemployed for a long time. Maybe I’ll make a list of all the stupid things liberals want to label as “hate crimes.”

HOW TO STOP GUN RUNNING TO MEXICO: I saw a show on Fox recently with the theme, “How to stop Mexican drug lords from getting American guns? Actually, the answer is simple: Stop Obama and his henchmen from selling guns to them!

OXYMORON: “Occupy (Whatever)” wants to start their own bank. Aren’t bankers one of their prime targets? With whose money are they going to start it? Yours? Mine? Who is going to run it? Wouldn’t that be WORK? From what I’ve seen and heard, “work” is a “dirty word” to them.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Go Straight to Hell!

Some critics are telling Denver Bronco’s quarterback to “lose the Jesus talk.” He basically told them to go straight to hell (though not in those words; I’m not as nice as he is), and I agree with him. NOBODY has the right to tell him to stop talking ABOUT his religion or anything else. It’s none of their business what, or who he talks about. If they don’t like it, just go somewhere else.

“REPUBLICANS ALWAYS HAVE TO CAVE”: That’s all I hear when there is a stalemate in Washington. Why is it the DEMOCRATS never get pressure to “cave” on any issue? It’s always the Republicans. Who is it that decides who has to “cave” on one issue or the other? Why is it nobody ever says the DEMOCRATS have to cave on an issue?

HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED EVERYTHING IS AN EMERGENCY? Why is everything always an emergency in Washington? Because everybody we send there is incompetent. They don’t know what they’re doing, so we have to “bail them out” of their own ignorance.

BASELINE BUDGETING IS A SCAM: Why does nobody ever talk about the fact that “baseline budgeting,” where every budget in Washington gets an AUTOMATIC 10% INCREASE every year, regardless of it’s efficiency? This allows them to claim a 7% INCREASE as a3% CUT! The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) will score the expiration of the Bush tax rate reductions as $5 trillion INCOME while its extension will be scored as a $5 trillion dollar EXPENDITURE! We BUY that crap, and always have.

STUPID IDEA: Why would ANYBODY hire somebody if he needs no new employees when every employee costs him up to $50,000 a year to “earn” the $2500 “bonus” Obama promised? Does Obama really think people smart enough to be in business are STUPID enough not to have “done the math” on this? I knew Obama wasn’t too bright, but I didn’t think he was that stupid.

UN IS USELESS: Syria murders 2,000 of their citizens for demonstrating against them and not a peep out of the UN. They’re too busy with their dog & pony show in favor of the terrorist Palestinian state. How much more transparent must they be before we figure them out and get rid of them? We provide most of their money, anyway.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Myth of Thanksgiving

Historians lied about it and Rush Limbaugh corrected it. Their original system was patently communist and killed half the colony. Gov. Bradford changed to the free market and saved it. The Indians had nothing to do with it and were only invited to the dinner because they were friends.

IT STARTED AFTER DEMS TOOK OVER: Everybody, including some conservatives, still give Clinton credit for “changing welfare” as we knew it when in fact, he was dragged, kicking and screaming to the signing table to sign the Republican bill that actually DID it. They also believe that the recession was Bush’s fault, when the “groundwork” for it started in 1977 with the passage of a Democrat bill (Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1977) that FORCED lenders to loan money to people who could not afford to pay it back, a “recipe for disaster” on its face.

THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG: Something’s wrong in this country when the site of the World Trade Center massacre is still a “hole in the ground” and serious consideration is being given to the usual Islamic building of a Mosque on the site of their “greatest victories” over their enemies.

TAX AND SPEND: That’s Obama’s ONE plan to get us out of the economic hole HE got us into. All he knows is “tax and spend,” and “tax the rich” to pay for HIS “flights of fancy.” That has always been the Democrat (liberal) way, and Obama is a consummate liberal (Democrat).

DEMOCRATS HATE BEING CALLED “LIBERALS”: Mostly because they have become aware that we’re now “onto them.” We now know what liberal means. So now they’re going back to the term “progressive,” thinking we have forgotten what THAT means. So now when you say “liberal,” they correct you, wanting you to say “progressive.” Both words mean the same.

OBAMA SAYS WE’RE LAZY: He’s got his nerve, since he’s the reason we’re “lazy” and don’t invest our money in jobs and profit-producing projects. When we know any profit we make will be taken away, why bother? This is not “laziness,” it’s common sense.

SOCIALISM CREATES NO WEALTH: All it does is TAKE the wealth earned by those able and willing to work and give it to those who don’t. Only the free market creates wealth and under Obama’s socialist policies, it cannot. It’s time Obama quit blaming all his troubles on us, and starts blaming himself. But this will never happen. He has no ability to see life as it IS, only as he would like for it to be.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Failure of Socialism

The “first Americans” first tried collectivism, putting all their production into a big pile to which people were supplied according to their “need.” Nobody worked very hard because they thought their needs would be supplied by the group. They were wrong, and half of them died that next winter. Next year they tried the “free market” where each person got to keep the fruits of his own production and they prospered. That’s the best Thanksgiving message ever.

I WILL VETO EFFORTS TO SAVE THE MILITARY: This is what Obama has promised. The excessive cuts to both the military and Medicare will destroy both, while he blames the Republicans for it. With such large cuts he military will be UNABLE to defend this nation, and the Islamic terrorists will take full advantage of that. These big cuts to Medicare will work a hardship on people who have paid in for years (at the point of a gun) on the PROMISE of support in their old age. That promise will not be kept under Obama.

ALWAYS POLICE BRUTALITY: When demonstrators work hard to piss cops off, there WILL be “police brutality. It’s inescapable. Even if the cops don’t “crack” and crack some heads, they will claim they have done so. So much so, nobody believes them any more.

AL-ZAWAHIRI NOW A TARGET: He has been named as the new HEAD of al-Qaida and, thus is now the top target in the Middle East. When he is killed or captured, whoever replaces him will then be the top target, and so on, until al-Qaida no longer exists, no matter how long that takes.

TALIBAN AND AL QAIDA THE SAME: Yes, they’re two different organizations, but they both have the same goals: death and destruction to ANYBODY who does not believe the exact same way they do. Even other Muslims.

LIBERALS ARE PARASITES: They want to feed on us and our productivity. What they don’t know, and will never admit, is that under socialism, productivity “goes away” and soon there is nothing for them to steal.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An Old Swindle

Threatening to cut the most visible and important things (like defense AND Medicare) while ignoring such things as “studying the sex lives of Tse Tse flies. This gets the populace “up in arms” so the government can make changes it couldn’t make before.

“ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” That’s what one Democrat bumper sticker says. My question is this: “Enough of WHAT? Enough massive unprincipled spending, tighter regulations? And movement toward socialism?”

OBAMA SAYS HE HAS CREATED 250,000 JOBS: What planet is HE living on? There has not BEEN 250,000 new jobs, ANYWHERE except possibly in the government. How does this jerk get away with his lies?

“SHUT ‘EM DOWN!” Freedom works went to Washington to present their suggestions for TEN TRILLION DOLLARS in feasible cuts and Washington “shut them down” with a thin excuse that this meeting “was a hearing,” which private organizations are not allowed to hold. But is was NOT a “hearing.” It was only CALLED such by Senator Schumer (who has called many other meetings which WERE held “hearings without shutting them down) and other lawmakers for the purpose of shutting it down. The people have been muzzled again.

“THERE’S NOTHING WE CAN DO”: He has a right to express himself. Now Larry King (not THE Larry King), a confused 17-year-old who came to school wearing dresses and propositioned boys has been shot to death. School “authorities” would expel a five-year-old child for kissing a girl, but “they can’t do anything about a child expressing his sexuality.” What’s the difference? The five-year-old is not a gay “expressing” sexuality that agrees with their agenda.

GOING CRAZY ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Sexual harassment has become common everywhere. Mostly because it is so easy for the “victim to DEFINE what CONSTITUTES sexual harassment and the accusation is now commonly used any time somebody wants to make trouble for someone else. It’s a SUBJECTIVE law, DEFINED by the enforcer and the “victim.” Soon nobody will even BELIEVE someone who has been REALLY sexually abused because it has been used too much; like the boy “crying wolf.”

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It Started After Dems Took Over

Everybody, including some conservatives, still give Clinton credit for “changing welfare” as we knew it when he was dragged, kicking and screaming to the signing table to sign the Republican bill that actually DID it. They also believe that the recession was Bush’s fault, when the “groundwork” for it started in 1977 with the passage of the Democrat bill (Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1977) that FORCED lenders to loan money to people who could not afford to pay it back, a “recipe for disaster” on its face.

THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG: Something’s wrong in this country when the site of the World Trade Center massacre is still a “hole in the ground” and serious consideration is being given to allowing the usual Islamic building of a Mosque on the site of their “greatest victories” over their enemies.

TAX AND SPEND: That’s Obama’s ONE plan to get us out of the economic hole HE got us into. All he knows is “tax and spend,” and “tax the rich” to pay for HIS “flights of fancy.” That has always been the Democrat (liberal) way, and Obama is a consummate liberal (Democrat).

DEMOCRATS HATE BEING CALLED “LIBERALS”: Mostly because they have become aware that we’re now “onto them.” We now know what liberal means. So now they’re going back to the term, “progressive,” thinking we have forgotten what THAT means. So now when you say “liberal,” they correct you, wanting you to say “progressive.”

OBAMA SAYS WE’RE LAZY: He’s got his nerve, since he’s the reason we’re “lazy” and don’t invest our money in jobs and profit-producing projects. When we know any profit we make will be taken away, why bother? This is not “laziness,” it’s common sense.

SOCIALISM CREATES NO WEALTH: All it does is TAKE the wealth earned by those able and willing to work and give it to those who don’t. Only the free market creates wealth and under Obama’s socialist policies, it cannot. It’s time Obama quit blaming all his troubles on us, and starts blaming himself. But this will never happen. He has no ability to see life as it IS, only as he would like for it to be.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Democrat "Smear Machine"

Why hasn’t Romney been the subject of a Democrat “smear?” Because he is the most liberal Republican running, and is the one they WANT to run against. They figure they can easily beat him. Too many times has the liberal media told us who they want to run against them. I figure their “big guns” against Romney won’t come until the general election.

NO BUDGET: Obama hasn’t only NOT “balanced the budget,” he hasn’t even PROPOSED one in the 2-1/2 years he has been in office. Isn’t there a law that says the president MUST present a budget to Congress every year? If so, he’s violating it.

THE REAL RACISTS: I heard a liberal television commentator whining about Herman Cain “not being able to leave our women alone." And he thought it was worse that it was a BLOND woman. That’s almost a caricature for white racism against blacks. Going after a BLOND white woman. They have no idea how they reveal themselves with every word they speak.

LACK OF SECURITY: Why did it take THREE DAYS for the Secret Service to “notice” bullet holes in the White House windows? Why do people who do things like this consort with the kind of people who are in “Occupy DC?” They never get “associated” with such people by the biased liberal press. They threaten to “fire bomb” Wall Street and expect the cops to NEVER use violence on them as they use violence on the cops.

“A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE”: P. T. Barnum was right. And Obama and his henchmen in the Democrat Party are ready to con them. They “lap up” his bullsh-t like a thirsty dog laps up his water. That’s why we’re in the fix we’re in, now. We’re broke and printing money hoping to fool the world into thinking we still have some.

STUN GUN IS NOT A WEAPON: The NFL is now “patting down” every football fan as they come into the stadium for a game because an elderly fan used a stun gun in SELF DEFENSE when several fans of the team opposing his attacked him. Should we always be without the means to effective self defense of any kind when drunken fools attack us for foolish reasons?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Politicians Insult My Intelligence Daily

Like “Princess” Nancy Peelosi saying, “We must pass this bill to find out what’s in it?” Somebody needs to tell this ignorant woman that’s not how it works in this country. Here, we KNOW what’s in ANY bill we’re asked to support. We don’t “buy a pig in a poke,” not knowing what we’re buying.

“THEY DON’T NEED MORE MONEY”: That’s what a Hollywood millionaire who just built a $36 MILLION DOLLAR home just said about people who do actual WORK to make their money. What the hell makes this “too rich” actress think she has the right to say how much money is “too much” for people other than her and her rich Hollywood friends?

TEACHER SAYS PEOPLE MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY: This teacher is in the OWS demonstration and thinks it’s going to take overthrowing our government to “solve our problems.” This teacher is RETIRED with a $7,000 a MONTH income. That’s $84,000 a year! How many of YOU made that kind of money, EVER in your lives?

“OCCUPY WALL STREET WANTS A FREE RIDE”: They’re collectivists(communists, socialists, Fascists, progressivists) all. They don’t want what’s best for AMERICA, but only what’s best for THEM. They want to TAKE from those who work and EARN their own way for themselves, so they can live without the bother of working.

“SUPER COMMITTEE” GETTING ADVICE FROM THE TEA PARTY: So what? The Tea Party is the only legitimate non-Congress representatives of REAL people in the United States. It is NOT an “organization; it is a compendium of people who are “fed up” with politicians stealing their money to give to those who won’t work, taxing us into oblivion, spending more money than there IS, more money than ALL presidents before Obama. Imposing collectivism on us.

“SUPER COMMITTEE” A SCAM: They have no intention of actually coming up with enough cuts to satisfy the demands made of them by Obama, which will result in MASSIVE, unsustainable cuts to Medicare and the military, This is a standard swindle. Do something to make Americans “rise up” and demand a “solution” so you can “offer” a solution that involves higher taxes and more governmental control of our lives. They did it with Prop 13 in California by threatening police, fire, and school cuts.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Keeping Cops Safe, To Hell With You

There is a movement afoot to ban people from filming a policeman “doing his duty” in this country. That will keep the public from knowing about the excesses of some cops in stress situations. That way there will never be ANY video or photographic evidence when a cop oversteps his authority (except that on his own dash camera, which HE controls). That’s what they hope, anyway.

PERFECT TIMING: “Shutting down” Fannie and Freddie (the liberal “safety valve” for the “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1977 that forced lenders to loan money to people who could NOT repay it, causing an economic disaster they could blame on Republicans) almost GUARANTEED a stunning victory for Democrats (socialists) in the 2008 elections and a Democrat “takeover” of the federal government. Now we just have to reverse their advances in 2012. Something we started in 2010 by nulling Obama's complete control of Congress.

LOSING PAKISTAN: Recent events have “strained” out relations with Pakistan. Who cares? It’s more to Pakistan’s benefit to have a good relationship with us than it is ours. So who cares if Pakistan no longer likes us because we discovered their hiding of and financing of terrorists?

OWS DECLARES VICTORY: After several instances of violence against police officers, and even deaths at their “gatherings,” Occupy Wall Street protesters have “declared victory.” What IS “Victory” to them? The number of people killed at their demonstrations? The number of police officers injured trying their best not to injure protesters when protesters get “in their face?” Have you noticed that few of them will show their faces while Tea Party demonstrators have no such problems?

REPUBLICANS “SCHOOL” NBC QUESTIONERS: Maria Batriromo and Jim Cramer were profoundly embarrassed many times (but didn't tumble to it) when they asked question after question not based on facts and the Republican candidates “took them to school.” One such was when Newt explained the difference between an “enemy combatant” and a simple criminal and how terrorists were NOT entitled to the rights of Americans, no matter where they were born.

“YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN”: Obama says if a Republican is elected to replace him “you’re on your own.” He actually says that as if it were a BAD thing. What a DOLT! It's not if you don't wish for the government to take care of you "from the cradle to the grave." Way too many Americans want just that.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Helen Thomas: Dinosaur

Helen Thomas, the ancient old bag who used to dominate presidential press conferences, is WAY past her time. She is rumored to have actively raised money for the group running the “blockade runners” going to Gaza (but that’s not proven, though I’m not surprised). She told a group of Jews that they should “get out of Gaza and go back to the other countries from which they came.” The ONE THING the UN did right was to create the Israeli state. The Israelis aren’t going anywhere. Live with it, Palestinians. Meanwhile, let Helen go home where she can make caustic comments to her “handlers.” You know, the people who change her diapers and feed her.

ONE SQUARE MILE: Israel has “given back” lots of territory in hopes that the Palestinians will shut up. Every time they do, the Palestinians want more. If they gave back all but ONE SQUARE MILE in downtown Jerusalem, the Palestinians would be shelling that one sq. mile, killing men, women, and CHILDREN and demanding they give that to them, too.

400,000 NEW JOBS: All but 45,000 of them in the construction industry are temporary GOVERNMENT jobs. Others are with the IRS, out to get more of your money. Yet Obama touts these as “proof” the recession is over and “good times are here again!” Who the hell does he think he is fooling? Mostly only himself and other liberals.

“TWO WARS”: Politicians keep talking about “two wars;” one in Iraq, one in Afghanistan. That is false: We are fighting ONE WAR with two theaters. It is the war against Islamic terrorism. Obama doesn’t even allow his subordinates to SAY the words “Islamic terrorists.” He won’t even admit we ARE “at war.” We need to GET RID OF this fool before he allows those Islamic extremists to come here and bomb our cities (again).

BUNGLING COPS KILL ANOTHER GIRL: Yoram Vandersloot kills again. He thought he could get away with it in Peru as he did before in Aruba. If the cops in Aruba had been just a little bit more competent, this girl would still be alive. He says he “went into a rage” when he found her “checking up on him.” That is not a “reason.” He just thinks he can kill at will, that the cops are too stupid to catch him. And in Aruba, he’s right. He made the mistake of trying the same thing where they WERE a bit more competent and now he will spend the rest of his miserable (hopefully short) life in prison.

HELEN THOMAS UGLY? Glenn Beck says “Helen Thomas got ugly.” He’s way behind times. She’s been ugly for a long time. Not because of that bulldog face. Mostly because of what comes out of her mouth, and from her computer (or does she use a manual typewriter?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

No Such Thing As Bi-Partisanship

There is no such thing in real life; only in the feeble minds of liberals. This government was DESIGNED to be two completely DIFFERENT views of life; those who thought government should run everybody’s life and those who believe otherwise. There are many “shades” of opinion between these two extremes, but brought down to the very BASIC premise, it has always been, and always WILL be, a fight between different levels of these two extremes. Any politician who tells you different is LYING to you.

HERE WE GO AGAIN: The House just refused to pass the latest temporary spending bill to keep the government from running out of money in November. Are we going to get yet another “dog and pony show” over it? You know, where Obama blames the Republicans for it while he “stonewalls” it himself while demanding “compromise” with his idiotic measures? As usual

TYPICAL LIBERAL POLITICS: Congress is set to honor Charlie Rangel just six months after it censured him in an “ethics scandal.” This is common for Democrats. Failure or corruption is a “resume enhancement” for Democrats while it is the END of their careers for Republicans. And nobody (except people like me who pay attention) notices. We need to get Charlie (and Barney Frank) OUT of the Congress so he (they) can no longer screw us “legally.”

LOUSY SECURITY: Messages in Arabic appear on the bellies of SouthWest airplanes, proving there is NO security, at least at that airport. If they can do that, they can do other things to those planes. And does this happen at only ONE airport, or can it happen at airports all over the world? Next question: how long before this results in yet another Islamic terrorist created tragedy?

“POLITICS OF ENVY: Class warfare, which is what Obama is pushing, no matter how much he protests otherwise, is “the politics of envy.” He’s hoping to gain voters by making “average people,” which are the largest in number anywhere, ENVIOUS of those who make more money than they do. “Class envy” ignores an important factor; under our free enterprise system, only those who EARN it make a lot of money. Not so under socialism, where government steals from those who EARN and gives to those who do not.

SOMETHING WRONG HERE: Ahminidinijerk, a former (current?) terrorist who was involved in the kidnapping of Americans, and now the president of his country, is welcomed with open arms by college students as well as the UN. Meanwhile, at least one college has cancelled a speaking engagement by George Bush, former President of the United States.

SAME OL” SAME OL”: Obama is touting his new “jobs (spending) plan” as something completely new, but it isn’t. It’s exactly the same thing he has tried at least TWICE before, and failed to create ONE JOB. All he succeeded in doing is cause us to go deeper in debt when our money is gone, anyway.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Call Him On It!

I'm getting sick and tired of Obama calling his latest “tax and spend program” a “jobs bill” while NOBODY “calls him” on it. This is the reason why he gets away with such blatant lies while the press “laps it up” like a thirsty dog does in his water bowl.

“FRANKLY, I ENJOYED IT”: Gloria Allred (that ubiquitous “attorney” who always appears when Democrats want to hurt Republicans has “surfaced” with yet another put-up job “accusation.” This time with specifics. All of which are her unsupported word of an action FOURTEEN YEARS AGO. Allred described her experience of being “felt up” by a TSA Agent at the airport: “He touched places nobody but me has touched in years/ Frankly, I enjoyed it.”

SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS SUBJECTIVE: By its very nature sexual harassment is very personal. Usually there are no witnesses and no objective proof of anything (except in the Gennifer Flowers case where Bill Clinton actually HURT her in the process of raping her). So they are the easiest way to discredit an innocent candidate without having to come up with any actual PROOF of anything untoward. Then there was the "blue dress."

DEMS IN SENATE BLOCKING JOBS BILLS: The Republicans, with the help of many Democrats, have passed no less that 20 bills out of the House that would help the jobs picture. Harry Reid and other Democrats in the Senate, where Democrats still hold a slim majority, have BLOCKED all action on these bills. Meanwhile, Obama daily blames the Republicans for blocking legislation to help the jobs picture, which they have NO POWER to do. If you don’t believe it, Google it.

IRAN SETTING ITSELF UP: Looks like they want to be the next target in the war against Islamic terrorism. They support Islamic terrorism in many countries, they give “aid and comfort” to Islamic terrorists; they make no secret of the fat they want to “push Israel into the sea.” Now they’re making big noises about being “on the brink” of having a nuclear weapon and have even tested a ballistic missile capable of reaching Israel. Do they really think efforts won’t be made to put a stop to them? How stupid ARE they? Some liberals say Iran is our next target and they’re right; but for all the wrong reasons.

WITH THE REST OF THE GARBAGE: The aircraft carrier Carl Vincent was the ship used to carry the body purporting to be bin Laden to the point where it was “dumped with the rest of the garbage.” I still maintain bin Laden was ”made into a crispy critter” long ago when Bush bombed one of his caves with him in it. Terrorists have been trying hard to convince us he was still alive ever since.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Streeters IGNORANT

The people involved in “Occupy Wall Street are ignorant. They have no idea what they want. When you ask them, all they can do is quote the “bumper sticker” comments the left spouts all the time. If you ask them to go into detail, they can’t. Most of them haven’t been on this earth as a sentient being long enough to know anything. They need to shut up and go find out what’s what before they open their mouths. They need to change the name of their organization (yes, it's an "organization") to "The Free ride Coalition." Because that's what they're after.

GOOD AND FOOLED: I ran into a man yesterday who says he READ Obama’s health care swindle bill and thinks it’s a great thing. He says he has cancer and owes $50,000 for the treatment he has received, and can’t get any more. I doubt that. I certainly can’t afford a quadruple bypass and I got one in 2005. I still owe for it because I don’t have that kind of money lying about. I suspect all he has to do is go somewhere else and he’d get a better answer. Refusing life-saving treatment is against the law in this country. All they can do is bother you a lot to collect the money for a while until they give up, as some are doing to me.

GREEN JOBS COST TOO MUCH: Obama touts “green jobs” like those of the failed Solyndra plant as a “big success.” But the reality is, most of the programs he touts provide new jobs, all right, but at the cost of about $600,000.00 (or more) per job. And that’s IN ADDITION to the salaries paid to those holding those jobs.

SELF ESTEEM UP, PERFORMANCE DOWN: That’s what a recent study discovered, and they were surprised. I wonder why. Could it be the liberals’ effort to “raise self esteem” by keeping their shortcomings from teens? Self esteem is their opinion of their talents and abilities, based on LACK of information. Self IMAGE is their opinion of their talents and abilities based on TRUTH about them. They have set out on a course to HIDE their shortcomings from teens so as not to REDUCE their self esteem. It doesn’t work. The “chickens are now coming home to roost.”

MAJORITY IN CONGRESS SUPPORT ISRAEL: Did you know that 87 out of 100 senators (almost 90%) wrote a letter to Obama CITING that support? This letter was also signed by 307 members of the House! Can Obama ignore that? No, but he did. Did you see ANYTHING about this in the liberal media? I thought not.

BOXER IS AN IDIOT: Barbara Boxer thinks the way to create jobs is to raise taxes and grow government. But then, we all know Boxer is an idiot, and BEING an idiot is an advantage in the Democrat Party. How else would we get people like Obama, Barney, and HIS ilk (I don’t mean gay, I mean stupid), and Bill Clinton, otherwise known as “zipper down!”?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ayn Rand "Disciple" Wants toEnd Bush's Tax Rate Cuts

The liberals want to make a big thing about that. What they don’t tell you is that Greenspan and Ayn Rand “broke up” over his changing of his financial views, and especially over his taking the job in our REAL government that the government in her book offered to Jon Galt (financial czar) and which he refused.

IT WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE WITHOUT US: That’s the left’s answer whenever we call attention to the fact that NOTHING Obama has done has done any good in the effort to reduce the joblessness figures. What a load of sh-t. They can’t prove it, and we can’t DISprove it. So they think they win the argument—but they haven’t.

TOLERANCE: Now, ten years after Islamic terrorists pulled off one of the bloodiest, most brutal accidental attack upon Americans ever, we’re told we must now “have tolerance” for this racist, genocidal ideology or be called “Islamaphobic” (a “made-up word”). I got news for them. I don’t give a damn what they call me. I’m going to look CLOSELY at every Muslim I come into contact with, and if that INDIVIDAL looks like he/she is a terrorist, I’m going to take action. If not, I will not. If I see something a Muslim does that looks suspicious, I’m going to say something, and they can call me what they want.

“CREDIBLE, BUT UNCONFIRMED THREAT.” What? If it’s “credible,” it CAN’T be “unconfirmed.” If it’s “unconfirmed,” it can’t be “credible. Who the hell do these insipid politicians think we are to give us this kind of “mumbo-jumbo” and expect us to take them seriously? What a bunch of FOOLS have we (not me) elected?

THEY HAVE MANY NAMES: Taliban, HAMAS, al-Qaida, etc. Different names in different areas. Like the liberals, they know the value of changing their names to fool others. Like they do for themselves, too. Have you ever seen a Muslim terrorist who didn’t have fifteen different names? All these groups have the same goals and methods. They’re ALL Islamic terrorists, even if Obama doesn’t want to use that name any more.

HE’S GOT HIS NERVE: Van Jones, self-described COMMUNIST, says he’s going to “break that unpatriotic, crazy Tea Party (people who simply want their country back) bubble.” What a FOOL this man is to think America will believe HE is the “patriotic” actor in this script. He spends his days (and nights) pushing socialism and communism while calling REAL patriotic people (with no proof) unpatriotic. What a jerk this guy is. This is the kind of man Obama appoints to be his “czars.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

They're NOT Patriots!

The “Occupy (Wherever”) crowd are trying to label themselves as “patriots,” but they’re NOT! Their “demands" all come down to one thing: they want a “free ride” at the expense of others. They should change their name to “The Free Ride Coalition.” That would better describe their goals.

IT'S THE SOCIALISM, STUPID! Liberals blame the Republicans and the Republicans blame the liberals for the economic disaster we're now suffering. Actually, it's BOTH of them. Democrats passed the Citizen's Reinvestment Act of 1977, forcing lenders to loan money to people who CANNOT pay it back to avoid a "redlining" investigation which, even if nothing could be proven could cost them billions in legal fees. The Republicans did not identify it for what it was and thus the Democrats got away with it. This was a socialist idea and, like most socialist ideas, it created havoc; which was what Democrats were after, so they could steal the 2008 election.

THEN THEY HAD TO PERFORM: Which they could not. The politicians in charge are incompetent to govern. They are only good at conniving to get elected, but they're spectacularly INcompetent at governing. They are IGNORANT of the fact that socialism and Keynesian economics do not work and work hard to institute both. When they DON'T work, they get thrown out of office. But they're patient. They sit out there, picking at everything we do, until they finally get back in office so they can create some more chaos through their incompetence to govern.

PEELOSI LIKES THE 9% UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURE” She says it would be a lot higher if not for Obama’s “spending programs.” What a LOAD of steaming, stinky brown stuff THAT is! Obama’s spending programs have not done a THING to make it come down, and they have done a lot to keep it up, and make it higher. It came down ONE PERCENT last month, but I expect it to go up again a LOT in the near future as Obama tries to SPEND his way out of financial trouble.

THREATENING SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS: If Obama would quit loaning money to RUSSIAN businessmen while guaranteeing loans to “green energy” con men like those in Solyndra, maybe he wouldn’t need to threaten to cut off Social Security payments. His threat is only good because politicians have LOOTED the “Social Security Fund” almost before the ink dried on FDR’s signature on the law that created it.

THE CAIN LYNCHING: Now a woman has come right out and described things Herman Cain is supposed to have done. Putting his hand under her dress and pulling her head toward his crotch. A sure signal he wanted oral sex (a la Bill Clinton). My question is this: why did all five of these women wait until NOW to “come forward” with these mostly vague (until now) accusations? Yes, ONE got a money settlement from the National Restaurant Association, which often happens when they figure that the accusation and a resulting lawsuit will cost them less than fighting a lawsuit, and without his knowledge.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

False Charge

In Florida, a state trooper gave a man a $100 ticket for “flashing his lights,” supposedly to warn other drivers about the trooper’s whereabouts. The “charge” was “obstructing a police officer from his duty.” There’s only one problem. This cop cannot PROVE that’s what he was doing. He can only INFER it. We don’t enforce laws in that way in this country He’ll probably be convicted because such cops usually work in a “friendly court” which usually does what he wants them to do. The guy will be well advised to appeal to a higher court; one that is not quite so friendly to this particular cop.

NOT “BAIL”; RANSOM: Ahmadinijerk says he let those Americans his thugs caught two years ago and accused of being spies go because America paid a $million dollars in "bail.” But it’s not bail he’s after, it’s RANSOM. Payment for returning the victims of his “official kidnapping.” What we need to do is get out of Iraq and INTO Iran. Wait until all the top “officials” are in their government buildings, then level THEM.

WHO’S PAYING? The Iran “judiciary” (read: Imams) reversed Ahmadinijerk’s word that he’ll “let the kidnapped Americans go” as soon as we pay a million dollars, but the question remains: if they DO decide to let them go if we pay a million dollars, WHO PAYS that million dollars: The American government, or the families of those victims? We paid. He let them go. Who is a million dollars poorer?

LIBERALS “PUSHING” THEIR OWN CANDIDATE ON US: They want to have an election with Obama (a “hard-left” SOCIALIST) candidate on one side and a RINO Republican who doesn’t want to “rock the boat” (Romney) on the other, so we will have to again “grit our teeth” if we vote for the Republican, as we did in 2008. There will be only a difference in DEGREE between them, which Obama can win, with ALL his “negatives.”

ADMISSION OF FAILURE: Extending unemployment benefits is an admission of failure on Obama’s part, and he has done it twice. He’s talking about doing it AGAIN. This is NOT a “solution” to the unemployment problem, it is a BANDAID to delay the consequences.

LAW AGAINST “OFFENDING” PEOPLE: That’s what the liberals are trying to do today; make a law against saying or doing ANYTHING that “offends” somebody. And “who decides” what IS “offensive?” If such a law ever gets made, I will become an “instant criminal” because I “offend” liberals every day. That’s what they want. The ability to SILENCE such as me and Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, etc.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How Many Drug Dealers In the "Tea Party?"

A drug dealer was found living in a tent with a six-year-old child at the “Occupy Boston” dog and pony show. The cops didn’t mention the mess they were most likely living in because they expect it from this crowd. Drug dealers stay away from the Tea Party events because they know they’d last about ten seconds before they were “turned in” by their people. They’re a “breed apart” from the OWS crowd.

THEN THEY HAD TO PERFORM: Which they could not. The politicians in charge are incompetent to govern. They are only good at conniving to get elected, but they're spectacularly INcompetent at governing. They are IGNORANT of the fact that socialism and Keynesian economics do not work and work hard to institute both. When they DON'T work, they get thrown out of office. But they're patient. They sit out there, picking at everything we do, until they finally get back in office so they can create some more chaos through their incompetence to govern.

ACCEPTING CONSULAR CARDS: Folsom County, California is now accepting Mexico’s “Consular cards” as valid ID for illegal aliens, thus announcing to the world they will no longer be enforcing the immigration laws. I guess they’re saying to the Islamic terrorists who want to sneak in and blow us up, “Come on! We don’t care! Come in and kill us!” What happens first in California truly will spread to all America, including bankruptcy and ignoring immigration laws.

FEMA HAS ENOUGH MONEY AFTER ALL! “Oops, forget it! We got enough money after all. We just lost track of several billion dollars, is all. Forget we’re incompetent to keep track of all the money we have.” I wonder how much MORE money has been “lost” by other government agencies, run by the usual incompetent people.

WHY ARE WE LENDING MONEY TO RUSSIANS? Word is we’ve loaned $700 million to a Russian businessman when we’re BROKE. Why is that? Shouldn’t we be using any money we can (whether or not we have it) to help OUR OWN PEOPLE? Not Russian millionaires? Damn, these politicians are incompetent and inept!

COST OF EDUCATION TRIPLES: While the value of it sinks; and the liberal answer is for us (US! Not them!) to spend more money on education. Spending more money on something as faulty as our education system has become since the federal takeover will do NOTHING to improve it. The extra money will just allow the liberals to better indoctrinate our children.

ACORN BEHIND “OCCUPY (WHATEVER)”: Yes, it’s true. It’s the way they operate. They see something good (for them) and they “worm their way” into it. Today, their part of it is just a rumor. When it becomes fact, remember I said it first, here.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Dictator Speaks

Obama says if Congress won’t pass his latest spending and tax bill (that he falsely calls a “Jobs Bill”) he’ll do it himself administratively. What he means is he’ll create an “executive order” to accomplish what that bill was supposed to to, and which our representatives rejected. Only problem is, an executive order is SUPPOSED to only affect what is done by members of the executive branch of the federal government, not the American citizens. So anything he directs this way is NOT enforceable on ANYBODY but members of the executive branch.

COMPUTERS DOWN: Yes, that's right: COMPUTERS (plural) have been down since last Thursday. All told, I have lost FOUR computers in the last two weeks. The first one was the one loaned me by my tech when he LOST my NEW computer. Then the one he gave me to replace that one went down immediately, as did the next one, and the next one in quick succession. If I didn't know better I'd think somebody has been sending me virulent viruses to shut me up. Fortunately, all were still under warranty so all it cost me was time and frustration. If you see this, the latest computer has not gone down.

STOP TELLING THE TRUTH? Herman Cain said China “is a military threat,” and is being “raked over the coals” for it. One commentator on Fox even said, “now he is a front runner he has to stop saying such things.” What? Stop telling the truth because he is a front runner? Communist China IS a “military threat.” Politicians need to start telling the truth.

INVESTING IN A LOSER: People are asking why the private sector doesn't invest in “green energy” and why the federal government has to do it. Maybe the private sector is smart enough to realize “green energy” is a loser based on a con. NO “green energy” investment is ever going to make a profit for ANYBODY but the promoters, who “take the money and run,” leaving the investors (in this case, the taxpayers) to take the loss.

JUST GIVE US THE MONEY: That's basically what the “Occupy Everywhere” idiots are demanding. They want those who financed their education (otherwise known as conditioning) to “forgive” the debt they incurred, completely ignoring that the money had to come from SOMEWHERE and that those people, who WORKED for that money, would suffer. What they're demanding is a “free ride,” which is what the communists promised the people before the Bolshevik revolution and we're heading in the same direction.

RAISING TAXES FOR EDUCTION: Colorado's governor is proposing DEEP cuts in education funding while promoters re pushing Prop. 103, a badly written measure SUPPOSEDLY to give more money to education, which is really “cash-rich.” They just won't admit it. Funny this measure is being promoted at the SAME TIME education is “taking a hit.”4

CALL HIM ON IT: I'm getting sick and tired of Obama calling his latest “tax and spend program” a “jobs bill” while NOBODY “calls him” on it. This is the reason why he gets away with such blatant lies while the press “laps it up” like a thirsty dog does in his water bowl.